"Calzaghe didn't pull out of anything because we didn't have a deal, " said Margules, boss of Warrior's Promotions.
Jacob Malthouse, co-founder of Big Room, said the lawsuit is "without merit" and that the company doesn't plan to pull out of the race for.eco, which has four competitors total.
We don't need to pull it out of the boneyard and use it in 100 years.
Whatever you do, don't pull your budding mogul out of school.
It won't fall out of place until you pull the latch in the opposite direction to release the slate.
ENGADGET: HP Envy x2 review: a tablet / laptop hybrid that fails to deliver the complete package
Junior partners are warned never to tell him anything they aren't sure of, for he might pull it out of thin air months later in open court.
To pull out of this recession, we need to make sure other companies don't follow GM's route.
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott told reporters after the hearing he couldn't say whether it was feasible for Texas to pull out of Medicaid, an idea floated by the state's Republican governor, Rick Perry.
And if you can't think of any, you can always pull this one out in a pinch: 'GLIB, SWEEPING PRONOUNCEMENTS ARE DEAD.
Over the years, Ota's craftsmen have fashioned humble but handy creations like the pull tab that doesn't cut fingers or a gizmo that sucks air out of bottles before they're recycled.
It wasn't until Change.org led petition drives for major corporations to pull out of ALEC that the group disbanded some of their other efforts.
When Tim Tebow is bummed, he doesn't pull down the blinds, blast the Fleetwood Mac and drink red wine out of a Mason jar, like everybody else does.
"I just felt like I didn't come all the way to Vancouver not to pull out the big guns, " White said of his innovative second run.