Adjusted for inflation, it has the same purchasing power as it did in 1979.
In contrast, stock investments since 1980 have increased their purchasing power more than fourfold.
And if a job is lost, that entire income is lost and its associated purchasing power.
Exactly what will each extra job cost consumers in terms of reduced purchasing power?
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They increased people's purchasing power and thus made it possible to limit increases in wages.
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The Citizens Market approach empowers us to shape corporate practices through our purchasing power.
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Many Boomers have the purchasing power and become enthusiastic early adopters who help lead the way.
Acting much like a production tax, regulation pushes prices higher and reduces consumer purchasing power.
This lack of production meant wages delivered relativity little in the way of purchasing power.
The ECB has fulfilled its remit to maintain the purchasing power of the euro.
It looked at gross pay, then net, then purchasing power for executives in 55 countries.
It doesn't allow Medicare to use its purchasing power to negotiate lower drug prices.
In purchasing power, an acre is worth two-thirds of what it was at the peak.
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So, the figures in this calculation are given in Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) dollars.
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Color has as much of an impact on our purchasing power as almost anything else.
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Their fuel purchasing power enables them to provide value to customers and strengthen their brand.
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David Warr said islanders' purchasing power had decreased which meant less income for the States.
Interest rate risk, tax risk, business risk, purchasing power risk are all types of risk.
Expect increased labor unrest as higher prices eat away at the purchasing power of paychecks.
They exert double purchasing power on both their own needs and those of their companies.
Later studies showed that a currency's purchasing power does assert itself over the long run.
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Being taxed on inflation means she might have actually lost purchasing power after paying her taxes.
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Essentially, gold is used to preserve wealth, whereas fiat currencies have lost their purchasing power.
In a contraction, purchasing power goes down as loans are repaid or written off.
When would an increase in purchasing power (due to falling price levels) be a problem?
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China's import growth is a reminder of the country's huge but nascent purchasing power.
The euro remains grossly overvalued relative to the dollar in terms of purchasing power.
Nothing other than dollars that lose even more purchasing power as their supply continues to swell.
They tend to modify their consumption patterns when prices change, even if their purchasing power doesn't.
Inflation depreciates the purchasing power of savings that people built up over many years.