The research is sponsored by Purdue University in Indiana, and by Wichita State University in Kansas.
The same happened to a professor at Purdue University at Calumet in 2012, who faced a four-month investigation.
One such study, funded by the National Science Foundation, was conducted in senior residential facilities near Indiana's Purdue University.
The research is sponsored by Purdue University in Indiana and by Wichita State.
At Purdue University, 17% of undergraduates are from outside the U.S., mostly from China, up from 9% in 2009.
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These schools feeds into a system of four-year universities among which are such engineering giants as Purdue University.
So the team from Purdue University, in Indiana, has developed a new approach.
In 1947 Neil enrolled in aerospace engineering at Purdue University as the second member of his family to attend college.
But a study led by Reuben Goforth of Purdue University has found their eggs in places that previously were considered unsuitable.
Pritchard decided to start the company after a 2003 visit to Purdue University on behalf of a British company he was funding.
It's co-authored by Brent Bowen, the head of the Department of Aviation Technology at Purdue University, and Dean Headley of Wichita State.
Spafford, a Purdue University professor heavily involved in Usenet at the time.
She's the co-director of the Military Family Research Institute at Purdue University.
This could be the upshot of a new fingerprinting method developed by Demian Ifa and his colleagues at Purdue University in Indiana.
In a 2007 paper, John Connor and Gustav Helmers of Purdue University examined 283 international cartels that operated between 1990 and 2005.
At Purdue University in Indiana, scientists are working on a reactor-like device that uses water circulated by gravity to keep the core cool.
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In high school he excelled in science and mathematics and won a U.S. Navy scholarship to Purdue University in Indiana, enrolling in 1947.
Having earned a degree in electrical engineering from Purdue University (1984), he worked in the semiconductor industry for companies like IBM and Cirrus.
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"It was as smooth as it could be pre-Internet, " says Mr. Brouk, now a communications and media specialist for Purdue University's College of Science.
Take, for example, the recent partnership between Krannert School at Purdue University with EMLyon in France and Zhejiang University in China on Global Entrepreneurship Program (GEP).
While Mr. Hurd's departure is "disruptive now and distracting for the company... we're not buying the CEO, " said Gerry McCartney, chief information officer at Purdue University.
Gerald Hines learned caution in the boom-bust real estate market of Houston, where he landed in 1950 after graduating from Purdue University with an engineering degree.
Researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology and Purdue University have jointly devised a patent-pending method to build organic solar cells using plant-derived substrates.
Known as "warn-on-forecasts, " the new methodology would issue warnings based on forecasts rather than observations, said Jeff Trapp, a professor of atmospheric science at Purdue University in Indiana.
"There are egg contests for the prettiest eggs, but not for size, " says Doug Akers, a professor of poultry at Purdue University who owns a half-dozen Ameraucana chickens.
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"There are a lot of things going on that have been very unusual over the last several months, " said Dev Niyogi, earth and atmospheric sciences professor at Purdue University.
Teams at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dartmouth College, the University of Michigan, Purdue University and the University of California at San Diego declined to take part in the review.
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"It can be really tricky if it's something with a background that's associated with livestock, " says Jacquelynn O'Palka, chair of the department of nutrition and dietetics at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.
Dr. SHELLEY MacDERMID (Co-director, Military Family Research Institute, Purdue University): The bad news is that it doesn't always work well and it's very thinly resourced and it's a really big job.
Research conducted by Purdue University and published in the journal Science have proven that students remember science topics longer through actively recalling information than through textbooks or other exercises like concept maps.