But this is not simply another example of the kind of Puritanism which bemuses non-Americans.
Healthy culture should not be the realm of Puritanism but of Good Samaritanism and smart policy.
If one state opts for Puritanism while its neighbor allows the prurient, it is well.
She is also swimming against two currents in American life: petty puritanism and a pathological obsession with safety.
ECONOMIST: A Joan of Arc, burning on the pyre of American puritanism
More tolerant and mystical versions of the faith, as well as the ultra-puritanism of the Salafist movement, also compete for market share.
And this continues even unto this day of supposed financial puritanism.
Besides, not all immigrants to America brought Puritanism in their hearts.
The code they espouse is a combination of Islamic puritanism and Pashtun custom, the basic tenets of which are honour, revenge and respect for private property.
As long as the GOP clings, bitterly, to a core identity of Puritanism it will, and should, find itself viewed with considerable disdain by an American public imbued with the Jeffersonian ethic.
FORBES: Calvin Coolidge's Life Offers The Republicans A Path Back To The Majority
At the risk of appearing more profound than it is -- the English were able to shake off the puritanism of Cromwell and established the quintessence of sexual humour in Restoration comedy.
That those statistics can be so easily and well disproved, as Snowdon does, tells me that the campaign is driven rather more by puritanism, that fear that someone, somewhere, might be enjoying themselves, than by public health concerns.
The supply-side chapel in which many of us have worshiped for so many years has an odd strain running through its creed of what can only be described as a kind of permissive Puritanism: Politicians can do what they want to do as long as they do do the few things they must do right.