But that has caused some resentment among traditional warriors because it is ranked above the Purple Heart or Bronze Star.
He would go on to win the Purple Heart and Bronze Star, along with the admiration of his fellow soldiers.
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Tony Odierno, who made a great sacrifice here in Iraq on behalf of his country and was awarded the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star with a V for Valor.
WHITEHOUSE: Change of Command, End of Combat Operations Ceremony
And Spurs owner Peter Holt, 58, a Vietnam hero--Silver Star, three Bronze Stars, Purple Heart--who before rehab in 1981 had a long history of alcohol abuse.
Monti's military decorations already included the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, five Army Commendation Medals, four Army Achievement Medals, three Good Conduct Medals and three National Defense Service Medals, the White House statement said.
CNN: White House: Soldier to receive Medal of Honor posthumously
For his service, Morgan was awarded the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart.
He was a gunboat officer on the Mekong Delta, earning the Silver Star, the Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts.
Kerry served as a gunboat officer on the Mekong Delta, earning the Silver Star, the Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts.
CNN: Source: Obama to tap Kerry to be next secretary of state
They confirm that as a fighter pilot he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air Medal, silver and bronze stars, a purple heart and other medals.
His stance drew attention both because of his military record -- he had served as an officer in the Navy and had been awarded a Silver Star, Bronze Star and three Purple hearts -- and his background.
On the one hand, Kerry's war hero biography -- Yale graduate who goes on to win three Purple Hearts, a Silver Star and a Bronze Star -- is a political consultant's dream.
He is the recipient of the Bronze Star, two Navy Commendation Medals, the Purple Heart, and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry.
Hagel has two purple hearts to his credit while Kerry has been awarded the Silver Star and the Bronze Star while Mr. Cruz has never worn the uniform of an American solider, sailor or Marine unless it was to a Halloween party.