She wound up the gramophone and put on a record of some merry music.
You'll also hear his explanation for why he decided to finally put that song on a record, as well as the rest of the interview.
Indeed, we solicited the Scowcroft article precisely to put on record a view that has a long and honorable tradition, particularly within the Republican Party.
After the BP oil spill, the administration put a moratorium on an already anemic record of approving deep-water drilling permits.
Many families have a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) order put on the patient record, and the health care proxy (usually a close relative) thinks that takes care of the problem.
They expressed a desire to put this on the record, make it public.
And they did it without giving up a single player on a roster that had put together the NHL's second-best record with a month to go in the lockout-shortened regular season.
This is a complete 180-degree change from the situation at the beginning of 2008, when record-high oil prices put a big smile on the faces of oil producers while forcing oil consumers to pinch pennies.
FORBES: Use This Currency To Short Oil, Another One To Buy Gold
While many details are left open, the joint statement was significant in that it put the AFL-CIO on record as favoring a program to admit future low-skilled workers, something labor had opposed in the past.
WSJ: Business, Labor Groups Find Little Accord on Immigration
One of the tech editors over at Instructables -- Amanda Ghassaei -- has put a new twist on the digital delivery of music by 3D printing a record.
ENGADGET: 3D printed record puts a new spin on digital music (video)
If someone has threatened, insulted, or otherwise vexed you in some non-criminal way, and you want it put on record, write it down, take it to a notary public, and sign it in their presence.
FORBES: What Are Some Things That Cops Know, But Most People Don't?
At a time when Mr Bush is presiding over a plunge in the public finances and when his record on trade is (to put it politely) mixed, this looks reckless.
Between the story on the potential new regulations, the ongoing censorship rules and some big option put trades blew the stock lower, said a portfolio manager from Morgan Stanley who was not allowed to be quoted on record.
FORBES: After 15% Drop, Investors Wonder What Happened To China's Sina