If Vanessa had walked into Best Buy with me recently, she would have been put at ease.
But how can you argue with parents whose minds are put at ease by the fact that the teachers at this school care about the kids or that the bathrooms are clean?
Mr Gray said he was nervous at meeting the pop star but she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek to help put him at ease.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Norfolk | Seafood seller gets Britney date
Ms. Moore and other senior photographers try to put teens at ease in front of the camera.
In return, America could extend a nuclear umbrella to Israel to put it at ease about nuclear attacks.
One way Lincoln put people at ease was by telling stories, which got him the nickname Father Abraham.
His open-mindedness put him at ease in America's melting pot, and at odds with the rhetoric about values that pervades American politics.
Eager to put Monica at ease, the lawyers had Hoffmann gently guide her through her story as though they were in court.
Getting them involved with the things they already love to do will put them at ease and help them make friends that much quicker.
If the surrounding tables filled with Japanese tourists are not enough to put you at ease over the food's authenticity, the presentation and dishes will.
Just a word here and there from him during the week and the game can put players at ease, and that's where he'll be missed.
Is there any frustration at all that he has not been able to convey a more optimistic message to the American people to put them at ease?
The two of them balanced each other well: Zeitoun's English had its limits, so when bills had to be negotiated, hearing Kathy's Louisiana drawl put clients at ease.
Plainly, he knows how to put investors at ease, and has a good rapport with Jonathan Oppenheimer, a De Beers director whose father, Nicholas, is the firm's overall boss.
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The best shops put me at my ease and give me reasons to linger.
Put your date at ease from the beginning by showing interest with your questions.
FORBES: Personal Branding After Hours: Applying 10 Rules to Dating
In one of my previous trips, something very interesting happened that put my mind at ease.
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Projections of the surrounding view around the cabin might help to put them at their ease.
The savvy underdogs named themselves after a musical style, seemingly to put opponents at their ease.
Our actions today are intended to put customer minds at ease regarding the topic of battery capacity loss.
ENGADGET: Nissan upgrades US Leaf warranties, will 'restore' batteries that lose too much charge
"Peters" become "Petes", "hellos" are "all right, mate", and a never-ending supply of bonhomie is on tap to put people at their ease.
But I've found that I can usually get a good sense of people through their e-mails -- friendly and enthusiastic people who open up about their lives naturally put me more at ease than those who come off as guarded.
And as my girls started to grow and I took them to all those well-baby exams and checkups -- it's a lot of them -- the nurses always took the time to answer all of my crazy, anxious questions, and to put my mind at ease.
But ever the professional, Ms. Winfrey put me and audience at ease, asking us immediately to give each other high-fives just for being there.
A. The expanded warranty is intended to put customers' minds at ease concerning battery capacity loss, although it is expected that the great majority of LEAF owners will not have to use this enhanced warranty.
ENGADGET: Nissan upgrades US Leaf warranties, will 'restore' batteries that lose too much charge
Safe Driver is the app that will surely put parents of new drivers at ease, as they monitor their every turn.
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Their reasoning is sound, and should put anyone concerned about municipal bonds at ease.
Beigelman says the room is the site of most interviews because it seems to put both the candidates and the interviewers at ease.
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