The healthier finances are being put down to an overall reduction in transfer fees and wages.
She said the increase was too steep to be put down to genetic factors alone.
China's modest inflation can be put down to a disappointing harvest, which raised food prices.
ECONOMIST: The Chinese fear inflation; the Japanese long for it
He had a dry cough, which I put down to all the smoke in the control car.
His elusiveness, at least some of which must be put down to luck, only burnishes his legend.
Much of Chicago's success can be put down to the record of its careers service (see table below).
The rest of it I would, charitably, put down to people not understanding how the tax system works.
This reaction is put down to the ground-breaking special effects which gave the film an unprecedented air of reality.
Much of the rise in profit was put down to sales of first-class tickets, particularly those bought in advance.
The higher figures in Scotland were put down to a better relationship between social services and the healthcare system.
The symmetry between the spin-doctorate in Downing Street and the one at Tory headquarters could be put down to coincidence.
But Hadoop still is bound by the fact that its roots were not put down to serve its current market.
He was a gambler whose decisions were put down to intuition and feel, and when these succeeded he was feted.
The rising rate of breast cancer diagnosis has been put down to a variety of factors including obesity and alcohol consumption.
While economic figures can always be put down to greater forces beyond the chancellor's control, these kind of fiascos are home-grown.
But the lack of Welsh state school pupils in Oxbridge and other top universities cannot simply be put down to the WBQ.
The rise in output was put down to companies deciding to re-stock after letting their stock levels run down during the recession.
This is no longer because of coal fires but is put down to nitrogen dioxide caused mainly by traffic fumes, he said.
That was a fall of 1.6% on the previous year, which was put down to the health scare around PIP breast implants.
He seems to have come to office believing that America's problems abroad could mainly be put down to the rough-edged persona of his predecessor.
We've seen forecast skill steadily improve over time, and much of that can be put down to the information now coming from orbiting sensors.
Anita Frazier, video game market analyst at NPD, said some of the decline could be put down to Easter falling in March rather than April.
The slower iPad sales was put down to consumers delaying purchases on rumours that Apple was launching an iPad Mini, which was unveiled on Tuesday.
Fort Hood was put down to a case of workplace violence.
WSJ: Douglas Murray: The London Terror Attack Was More Than 'Unforgivable'
Such apathy is often put down to tiredness, but a study published recently in Psychological Science suggests there may be more to it than that.
Dentistry saw the biggest single rise - 75% - but this was put down to the cost of a new contract that PCTs took responsibility for.
If, nevertheless, a wide range of diseases now put down to the general process of ageing do turn out to be infections, a new field of treatment will open.
And this difference was put down to the fact that those volunteering to take part in the trial were on the whole healthier than an average cross section of women.
"Going past Sir Vivian is something I put down to longevity in the game and the fact that I try, as much as possible, to stay away from injury, " said Lara.