The Court notes that Mr. Kay did not put forth any significant defense to the penalty.
One--an intriguing, comprehensive plan--has been put forth by the American Institute for Full Employment (www.america-
It quietly has assembled some very fine minds to put forth ways to grow the economy.
Specie precious-metals-based currency is the monetary policy put forth in the U.S. Constitution.
But to date no evidence has been put forth other than claims from the injured parties.
Moreover, the White House has put forth only 41 candidates for these 86 posts.
In the past, the administration has put forth names of officials who supported your policy decisions.
To date, neither side has put forth an agenda that is more positive, proactive, or inclusive.
Still, some students say that the views and ideas put forth by VP candidates are important.
Bloomberg recently reported that the SEC could put forth a proposal as early as July.
This law was put forth by Sun's Eric Schmidt a decade and a half ago.
Speaker Boehner argues the President has "put forth no detailed plan that can pass Congress".
How will Democrats get a lame duck administration to support whatever proposal they eventually put forth?
More recently, the Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter put forth the theory of creative destruction.
In addition, the automakers are all open to various propositions put forth by the senators Thursday.
The criteria put forth at the conference are research criteria, not for clinical practice yet.
CNN: Children of Alzheimer's sufferers want to know their risk
Senate Republicans have enough members (41) to filibuster a tax bill put forth by Democrats.
The principles put forth Monday have long been espoused by Sharon and his supporters.
The president has had 4 long years to put forth his plan for fixing Medicare.
FORBES: Bullets vs. Band-aids: Is Health Spending Crowding out Defense?
Cupertino's not talking, so we'll put forth an agenda for Jobs' speech at Macworld tomorrow.
Indeed, the language used, research cited, and arguments put forth are nothing short of detailed and deliberate.
FORBES: New al-Qaeda Chief Zawahiri Has Strong Nuclear Intent
Apparently the gating factor for an iTelevision introduction as put forth by analysts is the expense involved.
FORBES: Apple Cash, Margins And Innovation: The Obvious Strategy
It may sound odd, but the analogy put forth on Friday by Stephen Fry does makes sense.
Two of the three NLRB nominees were just put forth last month, just a few weeks ago.
And she rejects the idea that some Democrats have put forth that the Iraq War is unwinnable.
Another heretical-sounding idea was put forth by Carlo Maley, a cancer specialist and associate professor at U.C.
In 1995 Benazir Bhutto, then Pakistan's leader, put forth a new power policy.
The Open Government initiative was put forth initially by President Obama, and Brazil is a co-chair in the forum.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s Bilateral Meeting with President Rousseff of Brazil | The White House
The Senate also passed -- by a vote of 99 to 0 -- an amendment put forth by Sen.
For the past two years, Republicans in Congress have opposed almost all of the legislation put forth by Democrats.