More recently, the chairmen of President Obama's bipartisan fiscal commission put forward a plan for lower rates and a broader base.
"When Ed Balls and I went to Northern Ireland a few months ago, we put forward a plan for jobs and growth, " he said.
The Serbs put forward a hardline plan for the future of Kosovo - emphasising its status as part of the Yugoslav Republic.
What I'm suggesting is, I've put forward a plan that calls for serious spending cuts, serious entitlement reforms, goes right at the problem that is at the heart of our long-term deficit problem.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Makes a Statement on the Sequester
Britain's Treasury will put forward its plan for a tax on British banks in a budget in June, which is when European finance ministers will debate the commission's scheme.
We are going to be increasing the production of oil in the United States, but there is a global plan put forward that would say this will require a concentrated effort for years to come, but ultimately, what this is about is diversifying our supply of energy from oil into many other different sectors, and with that we can have the means to go forward.
Its proposals will be taken into account by the health minister before the plan is put forward for a States debate.
The Oil Pollution Act of 1990, which was precipitated by the tragedy in Alaska, has put forward a response plan with levels of certification and qualification for those who respond to oil spills.
Now, with regard to Representative Ryan -- I have a lot of respect for Mr. Ryan and I have read the plan that he put forward -- it is worthy to delve into that for a moment, because it provides a contrast.
We had put forward a plan that would have stabilized our debt and our deficits for years to come.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s Town Hall in Cannon Falls, Minnesota
And for all the talk about how the GOP wants to deny Granny her federal entitlements, it is the conservative Republican in the national race, Rep. Paul Ryan, who actually has put forward a highly workable plan that would keep Social Security and Medicare alive for coming generations.
The text of the draft calls for the immediate implementation of a six-point peace plan, as put forward by U.N.
CNN: U.N. Security Council to vote on Syria observer mission
They have long argued that Labour have failed to put forward an alternative to the government's deficit reduction plan and would simply borrow more to pay for a short-term stimulus.
And that's why the plan that I've put forward for manufacturing, and education, and reducing our deficit in a sensible way, using the savings from ending wars to rebuild America and putting people back to work, making sure that we are controlling our own energy, but not just the energy of today, but also the energy of the future -- all those things will make a difference.