• "I hate to put this in the newspaper, but we don't have any security, " Mr. Sherman said.

    WSJ: Shooting Spurs Calls for Security, Civility

  • In an article this week in the Hill newspaper, a reporter put to an official in the Obama administration the argument that the IRS scandal and the Justice Department's penetrations of the Associated Press and Fox News suggest the federal government has too much power.

    WSJ: Henninger: Government Gone Wild

  • The Sun newspaper has also put up a reward in the search for the driver.

    BBC: Owen Wightman hit-and-run: Crimestoppers offer reward

  • President Rafael Correa, an American-educated leftist economist who has forged close alliances with Cuba and Iran, has filed a defamation lawsuit that might put the three directors of the country's largest newspaper in jail and shutter their 90-year-old paper.

    CNN: Assange's stubborn grip hurt WikiLeaks

  • The February midday wind carried a scrap of newspaper, which Benny tracked down and put in the trash.

    NEWYORKER: Waiting

  • The decision is a signal that China is slowing its ambitious high-speed rail program, which has put the country in the same league as Japan and Europe in terms of high-speed rail development, government run newspaper China Daily reported on Thursday.

    FORBES: After Train Wreck, China Tells Bullet Trains To Slow Down

  • "The classic way is to put a notice in a leading national newspaper but there are many other ways of doing it which are often better, " he said.

    BBC: Cooker defect leads to eight deaths

  • French newspaper publishers asked the government in September to put forward a bill compelling search engines, mainly Google, to pay them each time a user reads an article by clicking through to their websites.

    FORBES: Links 10 Oct: Have Newspapers Gone Crazy Over Google?

  • Israeli anger at being embroiled in this business is reflected in a series of articles in Yedioth Ahronoth (a newspaper that sells more than all other Israeli papers put together) criticising the government for having no Lebanese policy.

    ECONOMIST: Lebanon, Syria and Israel

  • The country's leading newspaper, El Tiempo, recently tried to put some figures on the issue: in the best it could do for a survey, 30% of displaced people said they had fled from from guerrillas, 35% blamed paramilitary units and 15% claimed the army had forced them to move.

    ECONOMIST: Colombia��s unreported refugees

  • In the latter regard, the Boston Globe recently put a spotlight on a major public policy issue that has been ignored by virtually every other newspaper in the United States: the ominous financial, political and strategic implications of Moscow's incipient bid to market bonds on the Eurodollar market .

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Similarly, activist investors in Knight Ridder, formerly America's second-biggest newspaper company, forced the firm to put itself up for sale late last year.

    ECONOMIST: Newspapers

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