In May 2003, Uganda was the last of the foreign countries to withdraw its troops from Congo, allowing the new government accord to be put into force in June.
And yet--if only to insure against catastrophic global climate change that could irreversibly damage the world's human, natural and physical capital--an effective global agreement on mitigation must be achieved and put into force by the time the Kyoto Protocol's implementation period ends in 2012.
On the other, it has serious reservations about how to put such a force into place.
For this, we believe it is time for the intervention of the international community and the UN, to put a peacekeeping force into Afghanistan, and their first task must be to disarm all warring factions in Afghanistan.
"We have made this last effort because we believe it is important, as we put Americans into a NATO force, that we have gone the last mile, " Albright said, referring to the role Americans would take in a bombing operation.
Plans to dispatch a regional peacekeeping force have yet to be put into place.
"My countrymen, I love France passionately and have put my whole heart, energy and force into serving her and you, " Chirac said.
Even if it is put to a vote, it will come into force when 12 of the euro zone's 17 approve it.
As soon as it was brought to the attention of the Export Control Organisation and Lord Mandelson we acted urgently to put in place export restrictions which will come into force next week.
Road markings and signs are already being put in place ahead of the new limits coming into force on 8 April.
Judges in 11 of 13 other cases have rejected similar attempts to put together a class that would almost certainly force cigarette makers into a multibillion-dollar settlement.
FORBES: Judge Stubs Out Attempt At "Light" Cigarette Class Action
When you take a look at the landscape today, there will be those who suggest that the idea of just intermingling was the focus far too often and too much in terms of the push for integration, and that we didn't put into the equation the idea of white flight and the inability to force it to happen.
If you stay unemployed too long hoping to match that former salary that is now further and further into your past, you put yourself in a precarious situation that may force you to take far worse than a 50% pay cut.
FORBES: Should You Accept A Job That Pays Half Your Former Salary?
For example, the task force said that the NRC should require plant owners to put measures into place to help workers cope with a loss of electric power and its on-site emergency backups, called a station blackout.
For the government's rescue funds to work, the banks must use them either to forgive some of their loans or to force the borrowers into bankruptcy, thus freeing up resources that could be put to better use.