It's all difficult to put into words and I want you to respect that.
"It's pretty impossible to put into words, " said the 23-year-old, who is now the youngest ever F1 champion.
It's difficult to put into words, but I - and all the players - loved him very dearly.
The visitors were dumbstruck, the impact of what they were seeing, they say, was hard to put into words.
And when Obama won the party nomination, two-thirds of Latino voters gravitated to his corner -- for reasons they couldn't always put into words.
"I just can't put into words how it feels to see the cows going like that and know they were going to be slaughtered, " she said.
Oh dear, it is always a risky business trying to put into words the opinions of other people: it can end up with people thinking those are your own views.
This learning process leads to what we shall call tacit knowledge a feeling for what you are doing that is hard to put into words but easy to demonstrate in action.
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Of Nana he had the expectation, never put into words yet understood nonetheless, that she would keep herself fit and trim and youthful, and that the effort, like the expectation, would be invisible.
"To have complete strangers offer loving support in the form of money, goods and services, reaching out to help like a family member, is appreciated in ways that are impossible to put into words, " the lawyers said.
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The little girl whose life was filled with a sadness she never put into words, and who stopped going to school because the children laughed at the way she walked, was suddenly the head of the family.
All this supports a once-radical idea that has been floating about in psychology since put into words by the consciousness expert Nick Humphrey in the 1970s that human beings evolved big brains not to understand the world, but to understand each other.
WSJ: The Social Network and the Dunbar Number | Mind & Matter
"I don't even know how to put it into words, but you just wish those families nothing but the best, " Knicks coach Mike Woodson said.
"I can't put it into words, it's unbelievable, " stated Adam.
BBC: Blackpool play-off win will boost whole town - Holloway
"I don't think I can put it into words how excited I am to be a New York Jet and be playing for my hometown team, " Aboushi said during a conference call.
Seldom one to pull a punch, playmaker Alvaro Recoba put the feeling into words.
And that happens to be my belief, and I'll put it into three words: community in action.
The struggle to put an experience into words often neutralizes the very immediacy of a fresh experience.
Ormerod, who scored what turned out to be the winner just before half-time, also struggled to put his feelings into words.
BBC: Blackpool play-off win will boost whole town - Holloway
What's more, he never managed to put words into sentences, and that was the criterion by which the experiment was to be judged a success.
Throughout history, those who have known the horror of war -- and the love behind all great sacrifice -- have tried to put those emotions into words.
It is perhaps more constructive for adults to help children put their feelings into words and to recognize the range of their feelings, then for example, to only demonstrate the adult's own rage and fear.
When you put the core DNA into words and attach an image to it, does it ignite a consensus in the marketplace?
In deactivating his account, Alec was shooting the messenger, blaming the distribution method for the words he put into it.