We went and got that clear corrugated stuff and put it across the top for a roof.
He was restless for information, soaked it up avidly and put it across to listeners with clarity and enthusiasm.
It may be too much to expect them to get the journalists to tweak their coverage (though that can happen) but you will find it easier to put your point across.
He said the agency is studying whether it's feasible to put them up across the entire system.
Our program was looking as all aspects of underground life in Paris and in the process of researching it we also came across another extraordinary group who put the subterranean spaces to new uses.
"It is a challenge for us all to try to put the message across in a contemporary way, " said Canon Nia.
Maybe, to put it hopefully, there will be lots of cheaper assets on sale soon across the oceans and less reason to go chasing the next China IPO.
While helping all asset categories to rally, the Greenspan put had an undesired consequence: it caused a synchronous one-direction move across asset categories, undermining the effectiveness of asset diversification in lowering market risks.
Intel, in particular, said Mr Gorbold, had worked hard to reduce power consumption across all its processors for years, making it possible to put them in little boxes that do not need cooling.
"We are unsure of the ultimate significance of more than one negative CV signal, but it could put Celebrex on an even slipperier slope given the totality of CV findings across the entire COX-2 category of products, " Anderson wrote.
It can also boast an impressive stable of other spirit brands ranging across Smirnoff Vodka and Gordon's Gin, alongside newer acquisitions that put it in a strong position, with local grain spirits from Vietnam to Turkey.
Sources tell CNN that Clinton will urge Congress to set aside the entire amount until lawmakers pass a plan to put Social Security on firmer financial footing, and tell them it would be irresponsible to pass any across-the-board tax cuts until a reform plan is in place.
To make it work, the company built new software from scratch and put together a network of cloud servers across the world.
Well, here it is. (Applause.) This is a bill that will put people back to work all across the country.
CEOs from across New England gathered to discuss The Hopeful Continent: Africa Rising, as The Economist Magazine put it recently.
Across Europe and in America, changes in banking law are being put in place which will make it easier to force bank creditors to share the pain of a failure next time.