Offers have been made on six stations put on the market in April and May.
Western House Hotel, which forms part of the Ayrshire complex, has also been put on the market.
Since that time some 80, 000 more chemicals have been put on the market.
Horizon had been put on the market by German utilities RWE and E.
It was put on the market in1982 and its known side effects include increased sensitivity to sunlight and birth defects.
Only one of 24 homes put on the market following Scotland's Housing Expo held in August 2010 has sold so far.
New unregistered taxis will also be fitted with the new components and put on the market in early 2013, the administrators said.
And most of the vacant space isn't being put on the market by either of the two nightmare sources: overeager developers or busted tenants.
The asking price for an island in the Irish Sea has been dramatically reduced since it was first put on the market almost two years ago.
BBC: Ailsa Craig: Asking price reduced in Irish Sea island sale
Dr Kluk said her research should be complete in around a year, but it would be much longer before any equipment could be put on the market.
Sales contracts have been drawn up after offers were made for Ripley, Sunbury, Frimley, Ash, Lingfield and Byfleet police stations, which were put on the market in spring.
What price-earnings ratio to put on the market is more of a function of the going inflation rate and the confidence level of the recession's depth and duration.
Since the FDA has now abandoned this faulty procedure because it resulted in ineffective drugs being put on the market, then it should re-review all these previous approvals.
FORBES: A Drug Recall That Should Frighten Us All About The FDA
As banks continue to unravel underwater mortgages and homes are put on the market for resale in droves, it is uncertain how long the housing market will have to wait.
The biggest threat is a large shadow inventory of unsold homes, homes which owners won't put on the market because they are underwater, homes that will be foreclosed eventually and homes owned by lenders.
The massive class-action lawsuit represents tens of millions of people, anyone who ever smoked cigarettes like Marlboro Lights or Camel Ultra Lights, since the products were put on the market more than 30 years ago.
The Mendips, on Menlove Avenue, Allerton, is to be put on the market and the National Trust has said it did not plan to preserve the home as it had done with the house where Paul McCartney grew up.
It is expected that over the next few years, a lot of capital is going to be needed to refinance debts and a lot of properties that are either going to be foreclosed or voluntarily put on the market.
In 1997, a company founded by Dr Zoll and his son put on the market a machine designed to be carried in an ambulance that diagnoses a patient's heart condition and transmits the information ahead to a waiting hospital.
"When the property was put on the market by Summer Isles Foods, Coigach Community Development Company, under the Land Reform Act duly notified ministers that they wished to proceed and ministers appointed a valuer to carry out a valuation, " it stated.
BBC: Achiltibuie smokehouse could return to public ownership
It is not the first drug to target both serotonin and norepinephrine--that honor goes to Effexor, a blockbuster made by Wyeth (nyse: WYE - news - people ) and put on the market around the same time as Prozac.
On the Upper West Side, 171 upgraded rentals are being put on the market week by week over the next few months at the Windermere West End, an apartment hotel at West End Avenue and 92nd Street that has been through hard times.
Since the implementation of HIPS for the 3 and 4 bedroom properties there have been a sharp reduction in the number of those properties being put on the market even after taking into account a general reduction in the number of properties being marketed due to other factors.
BBC: Hips have split opinion over whether or not they are needed
But the activists are unsatisfied with heavy regulatory burdens that require nearly a decade of extensive environmental and consumer safety testing before a new GE crop can be put on the market, a phenomenon that has made it far too expensive to use the technology to improve any but the largest-scale commodity crops.
FORBES: The New York Times' Mark Bittman Offers Poisoned Food For Thought
In December, the Prokopis put Serenola on the market for eight hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars.
But in recent years, personal difficulties among the once tightly knit staff had caused the place to slip, and Fox put it on the market.
The consortium was formed last autumn when Punch put the pub on the market.
Since she put the house on the market in February 2007, two offers have fallen through.
In 1991 the newly-privatised British Airports Authority, BAA, put the airport on the market.
BBC: Prestwick Airport records big fall in passenger numbers