He is red-faced and aneurysm-popping, tweaked at having put his entire net worth into gold and T bills over the past ten years.
She spends less time shopping for herself, isn't always "put together" and opts for comfort over style now that she's a mother.
We always felt that if we played to our potential, it would take us places, but the one problem we have had is consistency and, at the final hurdle, we couldn't produce the kind of display that had put us in contention over the previous few days and weeks.
Musk isn't a fan of the automobile, and suggests its creators put form over function.
We had to check over the hole to make sure they didn't put something else in it.
"I put in I guess over 50 applications this past week and haven't heard anything, " she says.
Although the extension will help over 1 million Americans, it won't just put money into the people's pockets who are receiving the benefits.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Fort Hood and Job Numbers
Mr. CROSS: It was his big issue at first, but as he got down to getting those socially conservative votes in Western Kentucky and other places to put him over 40 percent and avoid a runoff, he didn't talk much about casinos.
He then took over the fourth but he didn't have enough to put the depleted Lakers on his back.
As BlackBerry use spreads so, inevitably, will the complaints about over-worked, addicted professionals who just can't put the gadgets down.
Though it isn't publicized, Harley-Davidson has put its supply chain through a thorough overhaul over the past four years.
You watch Republicans continue to sort of trip over themselves to both put out a statement for -- on why this hasn't worked, at the same time hoping desperately that someone will read their letter for money to come to their district so it will add to what's working already there as part of the Recovery Act.
But he has a clear advantage over Booker T: he supposedly performed miracles, including walking on the water after the French had put him on a ship to send him into exile.
If a bank can't spare anybody to work the doorway, says Marchese, "I tell branch managers to put a bell over the door and just have everybody on the teller line look up and say hello, " the way chefs do in small sushi restaurants.