Another way of putting it is we can't simply put more people into a broken system that doesn't work.
"I think the hate for Mr. Clinton, which I think is one of the best presidents the United States has ever had in the last years, and the good that he has done to Israel and the Jewish people, I can't understand the uproar, I simply can't put it in logical terms, " Azulay said.
"It's an awful lot of money when budgets are very tight - we simply can't put ourselves in the position for this to happen, " he said.
Put simply, Wall Street can't successfully bring bad guys to our markets unless your public employees buy their paper.
"Simply put, we can't really repair it now economically, and it is time to replace it with the new bridge which is what we're doing, " he said.
Simply put, a company won't be allowed to deduct any more in expenses than it reports as income to these vacation travelers.
In recent years, such occasions have become more and more numerous, to the point where, simply put, Pennsylvania Avenue doesn't work very well these days.
Simply put, ACLI's members don't want to have to issue 50 different policies to do business nationwide.
"Put simply their (the Conservatives) opponents haven't put up candidates because they think they're going to lose, " he said.
"I'm not disputing the need to make sure that everybody abides by the right international principles here, I'm simply saying it isn't right to put all of this on Rwanda , " he said.
In truth, I must say that because of the vagueness of the articles that were ultimately returned, had we been given such advanced notice, it wouldn't have made much difference, because, simply put, there is a stunning lack of specificity in Article I.
There simply aren't many players these days that put up big power numbers without striking out often.
Put simply, immigration will always be high because British people won't do the jobs migrant workers do.
The fact that they don't means they put little value on money saved in the future, or simply prefer other features more.
Put simply, if you're in prison, you can't burgle people's homes.