These, free to all, once put to shame many a country richer than Cuba.
However, I had a clue when Amy advised Gordon she had asked him to assist them so he could tell the world how wonderful their food truly is, and put to shame all those haters on FB.
But we found -- we did find a cover version that even put Paul to shame.
But the beautiful vistas of Berkeley and San Francisco put Houston to shame.
Young people have talent and skills, often their skills newly minted and up to date put their managers to shame.
If you really want to stand out, write a plan with teeth in it and put your competition to shame.
The children in the film come from Mumbai's slums, and their performances would put Hollywood moppets to shame.
They put bank robbers to shame as they swiftly get in and out of stores, armed with everything on their lists.
The Gettys may be famous for their massive wealth and love of art but Easton Neston itself would put many museums to shame.
She'd put Sherlock Holmes to shame, that BBC Sport's Sarah Holt.
With the airline industry fighting fiercely for passengers, one cheeky little carrier is consistently producing quarterly profits and maintaining a balance sheet that put its competitors to shame.
She was angry at him for pulling this stunt and ashamed of herself for feeling angry at him in his hour of need, and was trying to put the shame and anger behind her now so she could do what might be needed.
With his ambition, fearlessness, willingness to fail, and commitment to the task, the tough old man put the dreamy children to shame.
But the rifle put all those tools to shame, boasting unprecedented accuracy, power, reliability, and range.
The Sultan of Brunei stays in palaces all the time and has many that would put Lim's to shame.
Clairsville, Ohio to start an English-language offshore medical school that would put Yife's bare-bones school to shame.
The high turnout, around 80%, put many longer-established democracies to shame, though the counting was marred by a Florida-style kerfuffle over spoiled ballot papers.
Their collective knowledge of the skill level and capacity of each NFL player could put many NFL Directors of Pro Personnel to shame.
Certainly my own writing career has taken off in the months surrounding my 30th birthday in ways that put the preceding years of my twenties to shame.
Financial Times journalist Julie MacIntosh took on a story that would put the He-Man Woman Haters Club to shame.
Ealham shared a ninth-wicket stand of 108 with David Masters, who put some of his more celebrated colleagues up the order to shame in making an impressive 60 not out at the close.
But it's just a shame that some people have the audacity to put something like that up and think there's no repercussions.
Still, the technology could make wideband a realistic option for handhelds and put the mere 1.3Gbps of 802.11ac WiFi to shame.
ENGADGET: T-rays produce 3Gbps short-range wireless, make WiFi pout in the corner
Although Schroeder paid for this at the polls, in defections from his left base, the reforms are now widely credited for the subsequent German boom, which has put most of the rest of Europe (especially France) to shame.
U.S. federal agencies are deploying new detectors that put the Geiger counter's 90-year-old technology to shame.
Now federal agencies are deploying new detectors that put the Geiger counter's 90-year-old technology to shame.
Put simply, tax cuts are too important to waste, and it would be a shame to discredit the undeniable good that comes from simplification and across-the-board reduction on a tax plan that subsidizes some at the expense of others, and which addresses yesterday's rather than tomorrow's economy.