Sports facilities in Jersey could be put under the control of the private sector, according to a government report.
One such protein, the glutamate receptor, has been put under the control of a photoswitch and introduced into the retinas of mice.
WSJ: What Might Innovation Award Winners Look Like in Five or 10 Years?
The line, in the Penzing district of western Vienna, had been put under manual control following a technical defect, a spokeswoman for Austrian railways said.
Kevyn Orr is under no illusions that he'll be treated as a hero when he begins his duties as the Motor City's emergency manager, an appointment that makes Detroit the nation's largest city ever put under state control.
Firefighters at the scene in Howard Beach put the flames under control at about 3:15 p.m.
In Chicago, the schools have got visibly better since they were put under the firm control of the mayor.
Kagermann said he has put TomorrowNow under the control of a member of his top brass, SAP America Chief Operating Officer and former Chief Financial Officer Mark White.
Mellars then made the most of a two-man overlap and Rhys Hanbury put in Hauraki under the posts to put Crusaders in apparent control.
Were Turkey applying to join the alliance now, it would probably be told to put its armed forces under democratic control first.
Derbyshire Fire and Rescue said it had been a difficult fire to put out completely but it is under control.
"This would put internal credit creation back under the control of the state, " they say, even if it only took the form of SME lending targets, credit easing and some infrastructure programmes.
Strict security measures have been put in place to keep the outbreak under control.
The next step, Dr Courtine hopes, will be to put the implant directly under the rat's control, so that it is switched on automatically when the animal thinks about moving.
We can give them the option to put the means for financing their care under their control - in an electronic card or other device - so that if they want they can choose their care in another way that suits them best.
It happens already, sure, but more focus needs to be put on it in order to truly get the problem under control.
The idea that the German government may lose control of its national budget and be put under supervision by Brussels is, it seems, too humiliating to contemplate.
ECONOMIST: Europe's stability pact meets national sovereignty
The Obama team quickly put together a meeting at the White House to get the situation under control.
When completed, the merger will put the vast majority of air travel in the United States under the control of just four companies: American, Delta Air Lines, United Continental and Southwest Airlines.
If completed, the merger would put the vast majority of air travel in the United States under the control of just four companies: American, Delta Air Lines, United Continental and Southwest Airlines.
On Sunday, Mahmoud Jibril outlined plans to put the various informal military units that have fought against Col Gaddafi under the control of the Transitional National Council.
That's a big part of the rebalancing, that at the same time we're going to spur investment, we're going to spur net exports, we do need to put in place a plan for getting our long-run budget deficit under control.
As a minimum, they want control of the commencement orders, the subsequent statutory instruments under which the tax plan would be put into operation.
Before Musharraf's plane touched down, soldiers had taken control of the airport and the radio and television stations, and put a number of cabinet ministers under house arrest.