In fact, we got tips about police officers who we had to put under surveillance.
CNN: L.A. manhunt reminiscent of D.C. sniper case
Police have also identified 320 known street criminals who are being put under surveillance and arrested for any crime, street-related or otherwise.
BBC: Police officers
Police found the burned vehicle, registered to England, on Saturday evening, leading them to put him under surveillance and get warrants to arrest him and search his home.
CNN: Police probe possible racial motive in Tulsa killings
Informants infiltrated the group, and FBI agents put the suspects under surveillance, watching and recording them for 15 months.
NPR: Fort Dix Convictions Seem To Validate FBI Strategy
Russia put Tamerlan Tsarnaev under surveillance during his six-month visit to Dagestan.
NPR: 10 Things To Know For Wednesday
Then he should put the organization under surveillance, ascertain its funding sources, look over its books, and check its staff's visa status.
Authorities had put the person under surveillance and then began to suspect the person was connected with the Brussels robbery, the spokesman said.
WSJ: Police Detain Suspects in Brussels Airport Diamond Heist
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia -- The man tipped to be Serbia's next interior minister says he will put former president Slobodan Milosevic under 24-hour surveillance.
CNN: Milosevic