Several changes later, this is the building that stands on the eastern side of the great glass pyramid.
So, no Twitter or Facebook equivalents work for the proverbial bottom of the pyramid.
He has vowed to simplify the pyramid of holdings by merging Ravelston with Hollinger Inc.
In conclusion, the inverse pyramid of regulation is a reality that you should keep in mind.
This is an aspect of what Ayn Rand called the pyramid of intellectual ability.
Another pyramid called Equinox International enlisted 250, 000 distributors before being shut down by regulators in April.
The hyped-up, get-rich-quick atmosphere on the Web offers everything pyramid operators could want, plus anonymity.
But pyramid schemes are illegal and the vast majority of their participants lose money.
Through the gloom, the edges of a colossal pyramid rise up above the jungle canopy.
The alleged pyramid scheme run by Bernard Madoff has wounded the world of Jewish philanthropy.
In front of the pyramid, the enormous lion-bodied Sphinx adds mystery to this mastery of stone.
From Giza, head 15 miles south to see the Step Pyramid near the village of Saqqara.
For that, whether he has exposed a massive pyramid scheme or not, he should be cheered.
And so he began to develop what he called the Pyramid of Success.
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It seems that there is indeed a fortune at the bottom of the pyramid.
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Think of the communications market as a pyramid with the globe-trotting, cost-is-no-object executive at the top.
But anyone who stays in front of the Pyramid Stage for three days misses out.
After the pyramid's main chambers were discovered, researchers were puzzled by one interesting fact.
The hamper could still be there, for all Kendall knew, buried beneath the pyramid of laundry.
Mr Nano's promise to repay pyramid depositors may haunt him if he becomes prime minister.
Ackman, who has called Herbalife a pyramid scheme, expects the shares will actually hit 0.
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The pyramid scheme is a serious accusation that we have studied closely with our advisors.
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Most seem to believe, nevertheless, that the company may well be a pyramid selling company.
This pyramid-like building is the Church of San Agustin in Paoay in the Northern Luzon.
The definition of a pyramid scheme is seemingly straightforward: Cash comes in from recruits.
Two months later, after following her instructions, the dreaded pyramid has yet to return.
Like acrobats in a human pyramid, the Caucasus countries are inevitably affected by their neighbours' behaviour.
Gone is the basement level of the pyramid the heftiest slab a foundation of breads, starches and other carbohydrates.
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You often think of the poor as a mass of people at the bottom of a pyramid.
Tiffany stock is a barometer of the growing wealth at the very top of the economic pyramid.
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