The Series3 works with NTSC, ATSC, Analog Cable and QAM (no way to manually map QAM channels).
ENGADGET: Review: Series3 TiVo HD
And naturally, users receive all the unencrypted digital cable TV (Clear QAM) channels offered by their cable provider.
ENGADGET: Elgato HDHomeRun iPad app brings (some) cable channels to the tablet
We weren't really upset about the lack of S-Video interface, but we do lament the inability to watch HD via ATSC or QAM, as on the previous model.
ENGADGET: Slingbox 350 and 500 review: Sling Media finally upgrades its line of media streamers
The bottom line is that local broadcast channels are available in HD to any cable subscriber with a clear QAM tuner, whether you have a set-top-box or not.
ENGADGET: Clear QAM HD isn't going anywhere! HD
The real loser here are those few who actually use the Clear-QAM tuner in their TV, or perhaps those that use HTPC software that'll never get an update.
ENGADGET: FCC to allow encryption of basic cable, with a few strings that Boxee approves of
Because this content is to be delivered via IP instead of QAM, there's the chance that this programming could be delivered everywhere and to any screen (rights issues aside of course).
ENGADGET: Verizon intends to take its FiOS TV to every box, maybe even everywhere
Oh we just love the echo chamber that is the internet these days -- some genius reads about something as harmless as a integrated security waver for cheap digital SD set-top-boxes and automatically predicts the end of clear QAM as we know it.
ENGADGET: Clear QAM HD isn't going anywhere! HD
Sadly, this exclusive to the HDHomeRun Prime because its the only one with the hardware to support DLNA, but the new tuners due this spring will allow DLNA access of ATSC, QAM and DVB sources -- as well as allow playback on Media Players that only support h.264.