But for years he was spurned by the medical establishment, which regarded his ideas as quackery.
"Everyone agrees that this quackery needs to stop, " Lieu said in the news release.
Judged by any professional standard, the collected sayings of the priesthood are so bad as to be approaching quackery.
Much of my writing initially focused on the infiltration of quackery into American healthcare, but has broadened significantly.
Pseudoscience continued to thrive in 2011, making my choice for the worst quackery of the year a difficult one.
For this, battlefield acupuncture gets my award for the worst quackery of 2011.
Perhaps someday colloidal silver will be widely accepted along with other nontraditional methods of treatment once considered quackery, such as acupuncture.
So: the 2011 winner of the worst quackery award is: battlefield acupuncture.
"That's where all this sort of quackery comes about, " said Nishibayashi.
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But modern would-be immortals know that old-fashioned cure-alls, like the ground mummy dust to which hopeful aristocrats turned in medieval times, were only so much quackery.
Plausibility is the keystone to understanding quackery and pseudoscience.
It may even be that, like Viagra, society largely welcomes the arrival of a chemical that does, far better, what omega-3s, ginseng, vitamins and all the other quackery have failed to do.
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As with most cases, Dr. Steven Hayne performed the initial examination on Oliveaux, claimed to have seen bite marks no other doctors saw, then called in West to perform his quackery bite mark analysis.
FORBES: Radley Balko on the Fabricated Bite Mark Forensics of Michael West