Two appetizers are generally more than enough food to qualify as a healthy meal.
Both reached levels that qualify as whip fast in a cabin that was quiet and sumptuous.
It's entirely possible, of course, that political and promotional considerations qualify as cynical overthinking.
Around 130 million people in Indonesia qualify as middle class, according to the World Bank.
Qualify as an interior decorator in Rhode Island and you are so qualified in Florida.
FORBES: A Use For The Commerce Clause: Increasing US Labour Mobility Through Occupational Licensing
For material to qualify as programme-related, it must be directly derived from the programme.
So far the IRS has not ruled on whether solar farms would qualify as REITs.
FORBES: REITs Boom As More Industries Discover This Tax-Friendly Structure
Seismic vibrations do not qualify as signals unless they are being received and understood.
To qualify as a traditional SUV, a vehicle must literally be built like a truck.
Only about one in 10 million diamonds possesses a color pure enough to qualify as fancy vivid.
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It is currently seeking regulatory advice to see if TA-65 can legally qualify as a medical food.
WSJ: 'Medical Foods' and Supplements for Brain Health Advance
The 30 components of the Dow Jones industrial average each qualify as gorillas in their own right.
But if provocation includes following the victim and harassing him, then Zimmerman may well qualify as a provocateur.
First of all, to qualify as a business trip, you need to be on business (makes sense, right?).
The debut of a new 17-inch MacBook didn't qualify as a religious experience for the Mac faithful either.
The Globe and some other properties came with boatloads of intangibles that do not qualify as tax-deductible expenses.
FORBES: Did The NY Times Really Pay 71% in Taxes? Not Exactly.
Given these realities, raising already high income taxes has to qualify as somewhat self-destructive over the long run.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 7.7 million Americans currently qualify as severely mentally disordered.
The latter might not qualify as autistic under a traditional diagnosis, but slip into the broader autistic spectrum.
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Objects which may qualify as treasure must be reported to the coroner under the Treasure Act (1996).
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Most of the other 17 would qualify as attractive investments if they were part of any other industry group.
Some qualify as positive developments, while others will stain the product for years.
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To qualify as a residence, a boat or vehicle has to have a toilet, a stove and a bed.
The government says it is still investigating whether these plans qualify as insurance or are impermissible deferred compensation schemes.
That means storage technology would qualify as well as, say, gas-fired power plants.
While Fuld's pay did not qualify as speculative, Martin Sullivan's did at AIG.
As far as responsible journalism goes I do not qualify as an expert.
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But very few people qualify as geniuses and revolutionaries, so it behooves most of us to accept new information.
If you no longer qualify as a dependent, the expense would not be deductible if paid by your parents.
FORBES: Ask the taxgirl: Parents Paying for Medical Expenses & FSAs
So the reported letter may or may not qualify as a valid will, depending on how it was worded.