Each support international understanding, peace, intercultural dialogue, sustainable development and quality education in practice.
UNESCO: Education
The conference will also help to support and enhance the various projects developed by UNESCO in South-East Europe to promote quality museum management, intercultural dialogue and sustainable development.
Cross-border knowledge partnership for quality education among universities from South-East European countries for better education and sustainable development was also raised as an important issue of the forum.
UNESCO: A vision for the future. Values and principles of a culture of peace in higher education | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Miss Greening said the UK was not changing its policy as she did not believe tied aid - criticised by the World Bank for distorting competition, pushing up costs and reducing quality - "was the way to secure good, sustainable development".
BBC: Farmers work in a field in Jalalabad, in Afghanistan
Brian leads cross-departmental, tactical management plan teams working on environmental improvement -- in the areas of: engagement, alternate funding, utility conservation, waste reduction and recycling, fleet emissions reduction, green purchasing and sustainable development -- leading the district's indoor air quality program recognized by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as a National Model of Sustained Excellence.
WHITEHOUSE: Brian kasher | The White House
Ten years after the first World Conference on Higher Education in 1998, participants at the 2009 Conference will reaffirm the role of higher education in meeting global challenges - from poverty eradication to sustainable development - while examining strategies to improve access, equity and quality.
America has a stake in an Indonesia that pursues sustainable development, because the way we grow will determine the quality of our lives and the health of our planet.
WHITEHOUSE: Indonesia��s Example to the World
There can be no sustainable development when risks erode progress, when inequalities and violence weaken societies, when quality education is not available to all girls and boys.
UNESCO: L'��ducation au service du d��veloppement durabe - 'Sydsvenska Dagblad' (Su��de) | Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'��ducation, la science et la culture
Though BIA programs, Tribes improve their tribal governmental infrastructure, community infrastructure, education, job training, and employment opportunities along with other components of long term sustainable development that work to improve the quality of life for their members.
WHITEHOUSE: Resources within U.S. Federal Agencies | The White House