Building a more peaceful and prosperous future starts with ensuring quality education for all today.
For this reason, UNESCO continues to mobilize governments in order to ensure the provision of quality education for all.
The World Innovation Summit for Education is an opportunity to renew our commitment to quality education for all.
In this context, the higher education has the expertise that could be used to attain quality education for all.
She identified areas for further cooperation with the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, notably regarding quality education for all, youth and the media.
Mr Gould says UNESCO is committed to the preservation of languages as a vital component of linguistic and cultural diversity, multilingualism and quality education for all.
Haiti wants, among other things, to provide a free and high quality education for all children from 6 to 12 years of age by 2015.
The commitment to provide quality education for all children, youth and adults was later renewed at the World Education Forum in Dakar, Senegal in April 2000.
The promise of America says we will guarantee quality education for all children and not spend more money on metal detectors than computers in our schools.
It also aims to make known the political commitments with a forward looking vision, in view to ensure a Quality Education for All in different regions and countries.
UNESCO: Quality in educational policy: Research and foresight
Within its framework for quality education for all, UNESCO publishes an annual collection of ASPnet Good Practices, thus contributing in the exchange of information and the promotion of schools from all over the world.
Within its core functions, such as: laboratory of ideas, standard-setter, clearing house, capacity builder andcatalyst for international cooperation, UNESCO is playing crucial role in ensuring access to quality education for all in Member States.
Since the 1970s state courts around the country have cited clauses in their state constitutions that guarantee quality education for all students in public schools to try to equalize the spending in poor and higher-income districts.
"Providing quality education for all of our youngsters is absolutely vital and we are confident that with hard work and the co-operation of the school we can swiftly deliver the improvements demanded by Estyn, " added Ms Alexander.
There is a growing awareness that languages play a vital role in development, in ensuring cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue, but also in strengthening cooperation, building inclusive knowledge societies, preserving cultural heritage and providing quality education for all.
France's Delegate Minister for Educational Achievement, Ms George Pau-Langevin underlined her country's commitment to quality education for all, and in particular to fight against school failure, which hits children from disadvantaged backgrounds hardest, also noting support for UNESCO's efforts globally.
Both UNESCO and the EU promote human rights and fundamental freedoms as cornerstones of stability and development, being equally committed to a more effective multilateral cooperation and to inclusive development rooted on quality education for all and the respect for cultural diversity.
At a time when peace is failing in many societies, UNESCO Director-General stressed the responsibility of all to defend human dignity by promoting quality education for all, building bridges of dialogue for respect and tolerance, and giving all individuals the capacity to fulfil their aspirations.
The Education for All (EFA) movement is a global commitment to provide quality basic education for all children, youth and adults.
The Education for All (EFA) movement is a global commitment aimed at ensuring quality basic education for all children, youths and adults.
UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO :: Education for All
One of the most effective ways of achieving a better quality of education for all is through improving the quality of teachers.
Commendable progress has been made in achieving quality basic education for all since the MDGs were set in 2000.
Despite these notable achievements, the international community is still not on track to deliver on the promise of quality basic education for all by 2015.
The participants noted the commendable progress that has been made in achieving quality basic education for all since the Millennium Development Goals were set in 2000.
However, progress has been insufficient to deliver on the international commitment to provide quality basic education for all children, young people and adults: 67 million primary school age children are out of school and 796 million adults are still illiterate.
The event aims to explore mobile learning as a unique and significant contribution to achieving the Education for All (EFA) goals of increasing education access, quality and equality.
In her intervention, Irina Bokova explored the main lessons learned since 2000 in taking forward the MDG and Education for All, and highlighted the need for quality, equity and values to lie at the heart of the post-2015 global education agenda.
When we look beyond the issue of accessibility to the quality of education our children receive -- after all it should be fit for purpose -- the region has among the lowest education requirements for teachers, with 50% of countries requiring lower secondary school teachers to have completed no higher than a secondary education (so teachers have barely more education that their students).
It aims for a world where all girls and boys are empowered through quality education to realize their full potential and contribute to transforming societies where gender equality becomes a reality.
There will be a discussion with the grammar schools, as for all other schools in the country, about the quality of education that's there, the level of the standards that are provided.