This would have to include some way of defining, quantifying and limiting this newly created power.
This is then combined with a modelling system for quantifying CO2 emissions down to individual building level.
Start by relying on reasonable valuations, by admitting that demolition has a value and on quantifying it.
Economists have even succeeded in quantifying the value of the neighborhood stability and community involvement fostered by homeownership.
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Ted Bergstrom, an economist at the University of California, Santa Barbara, has a nifty way of quantifying this.
We know a lot more today about quantifying the harm consultants inflict as a result of their divergent business interests.
FORBES: Time��s Running Out For America��s Pensions (May 1, 2003 )
You have no evidence quantifying the number of purchases who bought an Apple device in lieu of an Apple device?
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Everyone in business pays lip service to customer wants, but Cantalupo attached to it an unwavering obsession with quantifying them.
"It's a process of quantifying our ignorance, " said Duncan Forgan, the University of Edinburgh researcher who carried out the work.
Statistics quantifying crimes against children are hard to come by in Afghanistan, an impoverished nation ravaged by three decades of war.
CNN: Afghan children raped with 'impunity,' U.N. official says
"Quantifying such costs is highly problematic, since valuations are highly subjective, but nevertheless the impact is likely to be significant, " it argues.
They soon run into the difficulty of quantifying what those prospects are.
ECONOMIST: The ultimate measure by which a company is judged
We can improve quantifying the full costs and value of corporate responsibility.
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The idea of quantifying our activities using technological tools is not new.
Mark Potok, of the hate crime-monitoring Southern Poverty Law Center, says his organization gave up quantifying bias as a fruitless pursuit years ago.
One of the top questions: quantifying the impact of the global economy on the communications industry across key regions of the world.
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"We will carry on quantifying their claims, some of which are very serious, with renal problems that will be life-long " she said.
For the forthcoming initiative, the Chamber hopes to expand membership in ATM and release a study quantifying the economic benefits of infrastructure improvements.
Much of the data is from observational studies which are subject to many biases, and there is the challenge of isolating and quantifying environmental exposure.
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That said, quantifying the effects of regional trade deals is tricky.
We do that by quantifying current market expectations for the amount of settlements the company would have to win from the companies it is currently suing.
But the audit is reportedly not going to include a cost-benefit analysis, owing to the difficulty of quantifying such aspects of EU membership as foreign affairs influence.
BBC: William Hague launches full 'audit' of EU law and the UK
In improving the human condition, Bill Gates wrote in his 2013 Annual Letter of how quantifying goals and measuring performance are increasingly necessary in eradicating disease.
As a result, CMOs will need to begin quantifying the value they bring to the business, be it from investing in advertising, new technologies or any other activity.
It is only by identifying and quantifying what social media provides for your company that you can determine where to focus your efforts and how much to spend.
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Perhaps that is why it is cagey about quantifying improvements.
"Engineers love to quantify things, and calorie counting lends itself to quantifying, " says co-founder Ted Dziuba, who wrote a hilarious riff on weight loss for his personal blog.
Quantifying a stock market rise due to quantitative easing is impossible (too many variables affect stock prices), but Bernanke and his critics agree that the QE actions caused stock prices to rise.
The other lesson for mature workers, who may not have interviewed for a job for a long time: They should sell themselves in interviews by talking specifically about accomplishments and quantifying their achievements with numbers.
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However, policies and programmes are still confronted with a major challenge: the lack of targeted data and indicators quantifying the relationships and contributions, which has resulted in culture being deprioritized in international development programmes and national development strategies.