Superfluids are also used to study the fundamentals of matter and test major tenets of quantum physics.
But more and more, it seems that quantum physics do have an impact on our biology.
Quantum physics is discovering that thought is primal in the creation of this world.
Another student, named Yushi Wang, applied the principles of quantum physics to design a faster computer chip.
This is because, in the wacky world of quantum physics, light is wavy as well as particulate.
When you consider quantum physics you recognize the fact that all particles (even the subatomic ones) have a split-personality, of sorts.
Recent discoveries in quantum physics support this startling point of view with new understandings about the thought-reactive nature of atomic structure.
Wavefunctions are what make the microscopic world of quantum physics appear so different from the macroscopic world that people operate in.
Even by the generous standards of quantum physics, kaons are weird creatures.
The explanations, particularly in the thorny field of quantum physics, are excellent, and the selection of subject matter skilfully winnows a vast field.
But only a minority will find as much consolation in quantum physics as in the prospect of reuniting with their dearly departed in heaven.
At some point the laws of quantum physics take over, causing electrons to behave in strange ways, including hopping from one circuit to another.
Mr Deutsch short-circuits these debates simply by assuming not by showing that quantum physics and theories of life and knowledge belong to the same explanatory realm.
In the wacky world of quantum physics, however, it is not always impossible to work out what a particle once was but no longer is.
In Quantum Physics as in investment strategy it is often the combination of the simplest elements which create the most spectacular results or the greatest catastrophes.
Turning his intellectual searchlight on his own field, Mr Deutsch rails against the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum physics developed by Niels Bohr and others during the 1920s.
Scientists stand on a catwalk that runs through its middle, and wearing 3D glasses look at enormous representations of human brains, molecular bonds, economic data, even the invisible manifestations of quantum physics.
What follows the transistor will, on this reasoning, most likely be just another kind of transistor: one that is not thrown off balance by the uncertainties of quantum physics, but instead uses them.
He also has an eye for modern applications, and offers detailed discussion of the relevance of the Riemann hypothesis to cryptographic security as well as an interesting account of its possible links with quantum physics.
If their discovery can be commercialised it could give existing forms of compact memory a serious run for their money and instead of being a curse of miniaturisation, quantum physics might turn out to be a blessing in disguise.
My desperation is lessened, however, by some of the more quantum physics theory which seems to suggest that, if at a sub-atomic level quarks can be in two places at once, then logically there must be a parallel universe where NZ were 130 all out and we are about to win.
Pacing around a room, they will talk for hours about future technologies such as voice recognition (they call their team working on it the "wreck a nice beach" group, because that's what invariably appears on the screen when someone speaks the phrase "recognize speech" into the system), then wander onto topics ranging from quantum physics to genetic engineering.
Amazon knows that it will probably never be the very best site for rock-climbing information or quantum-physics discussions, but that the sites specialising in such subjects could be great places to sell books.
Imagine if a group of them got together, hired a teacher and learned the classics or theoretical physics or quantum mechanics or linguistics the old fashioned way?
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What Rushkoff and Malik are describing is a new experience of physics for humans, more akin to magic or at least quantum mechanics than to the classical Newtonian physics on which the modern world was based.
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Taking just one example, the development of much of modern physics (from quantum theory to the creation of the atom bomb) owes its success to teamwork.
The birds do not demonstrate the "spooky physics" of entangled quantum particles.
It has become clear that Mrs Merkel, a doctor of physics who worked in quantum chemistry, is pretty sharp, as well as tenacious and tough.