It competes mainly with Microsoft, Apple, Quark and Corel in the creative software market.
The top quark is the heaviest known elementary particle, so there was reason for some excitement.
Adobe competes primarily with Apple, Quark and Corel in the creative software market.
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B-meson, as the abbreviation suggests, is any meson that contains a bottom (or an antibottom) quark.
Adobe competes with Apple, Quark and Corel in creative software, and Google Analytics in web analytics.
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More than a decade ago desktop publishing hit professional typesetters like a megaton bomb and made Adobe and Quark rich.
Its maker, privately held Quark of Denver, this week said that QuarkXPress 6, which will run on OS X, is on the way.
They also come in three pairs, one member of each pair being measurably heavy (though lighter than a quark) and one being of minuscule mass.
ECONOMIST: Particle physics makes sense, but it assumes too much
And the LHC is still discovering properties about the top quark.
The last particle people got fairly excited about was the top quark, which happened in 1994, but again we sort of knew it had to be there.
The Higgs boson decays too fast to detect directly, but decays into particles similar to those left behind by the decay of a top quark anti-top quark pair.
There was a quark cheesecake, a rustic apple cake as well as butter cookies sandwiched together with melted chocolate into a loaf-like thing mystifyingly named Kalter Hund (or "cold dog").
We can measure the wink of a quark and the glimmer of quasar, but to plumb the depths of the mind of a man or woman is still beyond our reach.
The 1997 Forbes 400 issue chronicled how John Thornton managed to outbid Quark, Inc. cofounder and former Forbes 400 member Farhad Ebrahimi for a choice 1, 300-acre ranch in Jackson Hole, Wyo.
Quarks, the particles from which atomic nuclei are made, were reckoned to have such fractional charges, but since it is impossible to isolate a quark, its charge cannot be measured directly.
According to an idea called technicolour, if it were instead made up of all-new kinds of quark held together by a new interaction, akin to but distinct from the strong force, the need for fine-tuning disappears.
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The old linear accelerator at Stanford was repurposed, turning it from the machine that co-discovered a particle known as the charm quark (thus winning its operators a Nobel prize) into a factory for making particles called B mesons.
This led to the discovery of the top quark, the heaviest elementary particle seen to date and the penultimate piece of the jigsaw puzzle known as the Standard Model that is the best description physicists have of the basic components of the universe.
ECONOMIST: The future of physics (1): So long, and thanks for all the quarks | The