As you well know, Liberians have been suffering for most of the past quarter century.
Within a quarter century, nonbiological intelligence will match the range and subtlety of human intelligence.
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What was great in the quarter century after 1982 was the sparseness of the recessions.
The Western economy is much less sensitive to oil prices than it was a quarter century ago.
According to WWF researchers, sea ice cover has declined by about 40% over the last quarter century.
The Mac-PC dialectic elevated computing to stunning levels of accessibility and ubiquity in just a quarter century.
After a quarter century of rate cuts, that share had more than doubled by 2007, as indicated above.
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America has not developed a new vehicle to advance human exploration in space in nearly a quarter century.
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The problem is we've acquired a sort of blind faith in genetic testing over the past quarter century.
Even after a quarter century, Kieselstein- Cord still supervises every design and finished product in his midtown Manhattan studio.
During the next quarter century Afghanistan became a battlefield, partly tribal, partly international.
Price chronicled the story in one of the many books he wrote in a quarter century following that experience.
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But if its people have been putting up with much the same for a quarter century, why change now?
It wasn't unlike the choice your parents made when they chose the United States over Mexico a quarter century ago.
Before that, I spent a quarter century serving primarily male clients (CEOs, GCs, managers, owners, professionals) in the adversarial arena.
Scattered over the last quarter century, I learned much from Steve Jobs, and was proud to consider him a friend.
The American economy has benefited greatly from the largely unfettered flow of consumer credit, especially in the last quarter century.
Over the past quarter century, inflation has persistently risen more in each boom in Britain than in America or Germany.
The hunt for acquisitions is being driven by the huge capital demands facing power companies over the next quarter century.
The Dukakis threat passed quickly, but my consulting relationship with the company persisted on and off for the next quarter century.
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Households headed by adults age 65 and up have seen their wealth increase 42% compared to their counterparts a quarter century ago.
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The growth sector for the last quarter century has been light trucks, a category in which fuel efficiency has deteriorated over time.
Consensus among Chileans is that while the free-market formula has served Chile well over a quarter century, the model needs more work.
The year 1903 proved to be the most disastrous for cotton in a quarter century, because of the spread of the boll weevil.
There have been no monumental changes in the way Wall Street conducts business since I started in the industry a quarter century ago.
The chancellor of California Community Colleges, Thomas Nussbaum, described the measure as "the greatest public commitment to educational opportunity in a quarter century".
To borrow an image from the country's other favorite pastime, over the next quarter century, Spanish soccer transformed from a bull into a matador.
Global energy demand is expected to rise by at least 30 percent over the next quarter century and oil, gas and coal will remain critical.
Our gross domestic product -- the sum total of all that our economy produces -- fell at the fastest rate in a quarter century.