Graham MacGregor, professor of cardiovascular medicine at The Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine, Queen Mary University and chairman of Cash, said that too much salt is harmful.
Last month, Bilal Philips, barred from entering Australia because of security concerns, was scheduled as guest of honour at the Queen Mary University Islamic Society's (ISOC) annual dinner.
Professor John Oxford, a virologist at Queen Mary University of London, believes the bioterrorism threat is "a load of old tosh" but still argues in favour of keeping the virus.
BBC: Should the US and Russia destroy their smallpox stocks?
Mr Brotton, a professor of Renaissance Studies at Queen Mary University of London, examines the complexity of mapmaking through the stories of 12 maps, which stretch across space and over time.
Emerson (Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom), O.
ENGADGET: 9-gigapixel image of the Milky Way reminds us just how small we truly are
According to Prof Tilli Tansey, a medical historian at Queen Mary University of London, who has studied the unit, it became an oddly popular form of package holiday during the post-war years.
Prof John Oxford, a virology expert at Queen Mary, University of London, said the figures "make sense".
Carl Murray, from Queen Mary, University of London, is one of the senior British astronomers on the Cassini mission.
But Matthew Rippon, a food researcher at Queen Mary, University of London, warned against seeing PFN as the preserve of small producers.
Commenting on the study, Dr Mary Haines of Queen Mary, University of London, said further research was necessary to provide confirmatory evidence.
Prof John Oxford, a virology expert at Queen Mary, University of London, said the work seemed to be a significant step forward.
"Honey bees live in complex societies comprising tens of thousands of individuals, " explained study co-author Paul Hurd from Queen Mary, University of London.
The archives of Isaacs, an author and lecturer at Queen Mary, University of London in 1957, were being catalogued when the letter was unearthed.
Doctors from Queen Mary, University of London, are also taking part in the study that looks for a gene called AIP, which causes abnormal growth of the pituitary gland.
Ian Roxburgh, professor of astronomy at Queen Mary, University of London, said the transit method still favoured the detection of big planets, because they blocked out more light from the parent star.
According to the Ucas Clearing website there are vacancies for courses beginning in the next two weeks at at least six out of the Russell Group's 24 universities, including Birmingham, Sheffield and Queen Mary's, University of London.
Norman Fenton, a professor of risk information management, studied data for road deaths in Europe and the United States, and outlined his findings for Queen Mary, the public research university that is part of the University of London.
Indeed, John Meadowcroft, a political scientist at London University's Queen Mary and Westfield College, argues in a recent Political Quarterly that they are more recognisably social democrat than liberal.