Most of the questioning focused on the activities of the Middle East Program at the Wilson Center.
In short, he and his editors are not doing their journalistic duty of questioning accepted societal norms.
Hugh Henry, convener of Holyrood's Audit Committee, said he had faced incomplete answers in questioning senior civil servants.
The move also has US-Cuba analysts questioning what effect the eased travel rules will have on US-Cuba relations.
In that time, only once do I remember anyone questioning whether it was right to film human remains.
C. circuit, but Republicans are questioning whether the court is busy enough to justify filling them.
Still, when questioning witnesses, Mr. Hardin proved effective, according to his co-counsel, Michael Attanasio.
Any guidance on where he is and if the U.S. is questioning him at this point?
The AG is also questioning the promoted effects of ingredients like B-vitamins and ginseng.
This questioning will likely extend beyond corporations and the wealthy, moving incrementally down the financial spectrum.
Roberts was, if anything, even more belligerent in questioning the lawyer defending the city.
Now that the export figures are so blatantly wrong, sell-side questioning has become a team sport.
After the deadly Boston Marathon bombings, the FBI began questioning and following Todashev and Taramov.
Then came a recent report from the Federal Aviation Administration, questioning Piscitell's proposed flight paths.
In the past decade Fisher has penned three columns questioning the wisdom of fund ownership.
"At this point the Kazakh government is questioning why they chose Eni as operator, " said Neff.
"It looks bad for Lewis, " said York van Nixon while questioning the Lewis camp's earlier actions.
States members are questioning why a politician is representing the island abroad without a States mandate.
Other committee members from both parties then openly debated the propriety of Issa's questioning.
CNN: Holder criticizes longtime foe Issa at committee hearing
Issa opened his questioning by playing an audio clip of a phone call by Perez.
CNN: Holder criticizes longtime foe Issa at committee hearing
The implications of the questioning--What did she know and when did she know it?
He will then be sent back to to the UK for questioning by Suffolk Police.
However, Republicans have assailed the board for not probing more deeply and not formally questioning Mrs.
During questioning of Laredo's mayor, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee of Houston drove that point home.
Families, burdened by the high price of college, are questioning their return on investment.
FORBES: 3 Ways Colleges Can Build a Bridge for Future Leaders
But now researchers at rival companies are openly questioning whether the compounds will work.
However, web experts are questioning whether the network can cope if Kentaro achieves its target.
One of the cult boys, under questioning, had insisted that Nnamabia was not a member.
But one patient, Elaine Paige, said that for her careful face-to-face questioning was more preferable.
However, the FDA turned the company down last December, questioning the data used to seek approval.