Quite the contrary, its failure to sell triggered a Schadenfreude epidemic throughout the art world.
Quite the contrary, according to the FDA, free markets work just fine 99.5% of the time.
Quite the contrary, using knowledge appreciates its value, especially when it is commingled with other knowledge.
Quite the contrary, maneuvering to legally pay lower taxes is practically a national pastime.
In fact, if there is a larger point, it is quite the contrary.
Quite the contrary: the average private forecast for growth in 2012 has tumbled from 1.5% to less than 0.5%.
Quite the contrary, Apple products are LUXURY goods that are WAY overpriced compared to similar products on the market.
FORBES: Donating Star Wars Billions Will Make George Lucas One Of The Biggest Givers Ever
Quite the contrary: for that flexible attitude to the law requires an opening.
Quite the contrary, what CEO wouldn't want that kind of product loyalty?
WSJ: Please Wait, This Column on the Facebook IPO Is Browsing Its Friends' Updates
Quite the contrary: Mr Rajapaksa himself, before he tasted its benefits first-hand, used to campaign for the abolition of the executive presidency.
Quite the contrary, as a UN report at the time testified, geographical separation of the two communities was rigorously pursued by the Turkish side.
On the shelf today is this application for an "Input device, system and method, " which as mundane as that sounds, actually appears quite the contrary.
Quite the contrary, I think it has value when used properly.
Quite the contrary, businesses cut prices during slowdowns to increase sales.
BBC: Budget 2013: Should the government plough ahead with cuts?
No one is accusing either Celera or the HGP of simply failing to notice large swaths of DNA. Quite the contrary, everyone seems to agree they did a remarkable job transcribing the 3 billion rungs on the DNA molecule, which is shaped like a long, twisted ladder.
Quite the contrary: knowing that Obamacare requires insurers to take all comers, he might well have strategically elected not to get insurance, signing up only after getting a confirmed diagnosis of cancer, thereby ensuring that his gamble to go without coverage was bankrolled by taxpayers instead of personally.
Quite to the contrary, increasing the debt still more makes future default only more likely.
FORBES: To Win The Debt-Ceiling Debate, We Must Discredit Obama's Debt Dishonesty
Quite to the contrary, Hollande seems to be waging an all-out effort to keep entrepreneurs from taking flight.
FORBES: High Taxes Upset The Apple Cart, And Angry Birds Force Change
Consumer advocates and regulators argue, quite to the contrary, that there is far too much fraud attendant to the sale of these products.
FORBES: Stockbroker Fined And Suspended For Equity Indexed Annuities Sales
Quite to the contrary, our constitutional rights are based on protecting the rights of the individual, especially when the majority might be seeing things a different way.
Quite to the contrary, Census reports that in 2011 the average incomes of the top 20% of income earners rose, while incomes for the bottom 80%, declined.
Quite to the contrary, he is clear in front of the grand jury when he says that he didn't even notice this issue until he was reviewing the transcript in preparation for his grand jury testimony.
Few, if any could imagine that quite to the contrary, momentum would be growing today on the side of raising the estimate of the level of unemployment believed to be structurally built into the American economy.
FORBES: The Fed's New NAIRU: Evil Enough To Unite Democrats And Republicans
FORBES: How to Hire Successfully: Focus on Mission, Values, Talent
Despite repeated opposition claims that small business will bear a heavy burden as a result of the Affordable Care Act, a study published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine conducted by the non-partisan, non-profit Rand Corporation and based on sophisticated computer modeling, reveals something quite to the contrary.
FORBES: Small business projected to be big winner in healthcare reform
In fact, a quite compelling argument to the contrary can be made.
But he is such a master at spinning the media that it is quite possible, despite protestations to the contrary, that he doesn't really mind all the negative publicity that the book is generating.