Around 25% of Manchester United, a quoted company, belongs to two Irish racehorse-owners, another 18% to the boss of an American-football club in Florida.
However, the government opted to keep AIB as a quoted company, but the bank is set to receive a 3.5bn-euro capital injection from the state.
From now on no publicly-quoted company was safe from a raid.
If Mr Hirst were managing a quoted company, he would be unable to enrich himself at the expense of his investors in quite the same way.
The collapse of UK quoted company Sothern Cross has left the hundreds of care homes it owns to be passed into the control of their offshore landlords.
Tata's elevation to India's most valuable quoted company indicates a marked reversal from a year ago in the fortunes of the Tata and Reliance groups, the BBC's Nidhi Dutt in Mumbai (Bombay) says.
The move follows a warning from the SEC and the New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer that the NYSE was expected to clean up its corporate governance and bring itself up to the standards of a publicly quoted company.
But Ansa quoted the company that operates the vehicles as saying that this was an exaggeration.
One reason for bidding is that the constraints of quoted-company status are especially felt in property.
Exxon Mobil is the world's largest publicly quoted oil company, followed by Shell.
Gafisa, a publicly quoted construction company, is starting a separate enterprise to build houses at prices up to 150, 000 reais, but that is still out of most people's reach.
ECONOMIST: Lower inflation has done wonders for finance and industry
The company quoted early customers an arrival time of three to four weeks.
Quoted in a company press release, Kogan was enthusiastic about Schering's (nyse: SGP - news - people ) products.
Not a single company quoted on the Istanbul stock exchange has a majority of its shares held and traded among the general public.
Crossrail's lead archaeologist, Jay Carver, quoted in a company media release, said it was "a highly significant discovery, " and one that left many questions still to answer.
According to the Ad Age article quoted above, the company is introducing the McWrap, a new item that comes in three flavors and a variety of possible calorie totals, ranging from 300 to 600.
FORBES: McDonald's Looks to Address its 'Millennial Problem'
Then, in a piece for Fast Company, Berger again quoted Drucker while asking five other leading business minds to submit a question that every company should ask itself.
And a manager at Boeing is quoted saying that the aerospace company is considering doing a similar deal for orthopedics care.
FORBES: Five Lessons in Transparency from Cleveland Clinic CEO Toby Cosgrove
"Sky intends to continue to set the pace of change in media content and distribution, " a company spokesman was quoted as saying.
Walmex officials did not return phone calls but the Mexican press quoted spokespeople as saying the company had not received notice of a Mexican probe.
FORBES: Mexico Launches Anti-Corruption Law As Wal-Mart Scandal Worries Government
But It could, at least, become part of the charismatic CEO's learning curve: "When I joined in 1980, we had about 30 employees, and we never dreamed, in our wildest imaginations, that we would eventually employ over 50, 000 people in more than 70 countries, " Microsoft's CEO was once quoted as writing in a company e-mail.
"I have sufficient levels of support from shareholders and the board to continue running the company, " Sarin was quoted as saying.
"Bayer is committed to protecting its patents for Nexavar and will rigorously continue to defend our intellectual property rights within the Indian legal system, " the company said in a statement quoted by the Associated Press.
"Regardless of the final outcome, we will move this company forward, " he was quoted as saying.
The company's shares were last quoted on the stock exchange at 10 pence each, down from 35p a year ago.
The state-run China Daily quoted Mr. Li as saying that the company planned to return some undeveloped land to the village.
Among the book's most quoted bosses are William Clay Ford of the car company and Roger Enrico of PepsiCo.
"It was the responsible thing for us to do from the competitive perspective, " the company's general counsel, Brad Smith, was quoted as saying.
The merged company, LATAM Airlines Group, will be one of the largest quoted airlines in the world.