The pricier units really up the luxury quotient with plunge pools, saunas and Jacuzzis.
Her dough sculptures just might pique their interest because the figurines meet the SAR's cuteness quotient.
Can an app raise your happiness quotient, and perhaps make our greedy society more content?
FORBES: Are You Happy? An App Tries To Raise Our Collective Mood
But if success is also measured by the fun quotient, Venture Frogs is stumbling.
And corporations were focused on surviving a deep recession, not worrying about their social responsibility quotient.
To up the human quotient, the channel distributes "netcams, " tiny cameras that transmit video over the Internet.
Ballard, Michael Moorcock, Samuel Delany, and Ursula K. Le Guin, the otherness quotient actually climbing, nosebleed high.
Normal is just too easy, even during later missions which you would think would up the difficulty quotient.
Obama, who won't ever face re-election, felt free to ramp up the inaugural program's celebrity quotient this time.
It measures the Twitter Equality Quotient or Twee-Q of any account by riffling through its re-tweets to calculate the gender split.
But there's more telling evidence all around us, starting with the dramatic rise in the connoisseurship quotient of the wealthy themselves.
The question of space control represents a sort of IQ test -- short for integrity quotient -- for today's uniformed leadership.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Clinton Policies Would Disarm U.S. Space Capabilit
And while one might think making over-the-top horror movies would fill his "crazy" quotient, Zombie said that's not usually the case.
Minnesota utility Xcel Energy recently said that it had started including a sustainability quotient in its salary reviews and bonus allocations.
Perversely, his handling of it all even added to his cool quotient.
Or the high school kids who stop for a minute, rate it high on the coolness quotient and stick around for an hour.
One solution is to take fear out of the equation and replace it with a quotient of fun, says Holly Kylen, a Lititz, Pa.
Not surprisingly, getting a deal ups the feel-good quotient of as many as 80.7% of Americans, with food as the item of choice for men.
FORBES: Retail's Secret Weapon: Shopping Therapy via Enhanced Mobile Commerce pings me three times a day to fill out surveys to track my moods, requesting answers within ten minutes to gauge my exuberance quotient.
FORBES: Adventures in Self-Surveillance, aka The Quantified Self, aka Extreme Navel-Gazing
But it's small potatoes compared to the creepiness quotient of the nearby town that offers the friends their best shot at finding a replacement fan belt.
Fortunately, the Big Board contains a quotient of intrinsic value embedded in tangible corporate assets, then average earning power cycle to cycle and dividend paying capacity.
FORBES: What $100 Got You In 1954: Lessons In Art And Growth Stocks
This has had the not-entirely-successful result of simply upping the navy quotient in my wardrobe, which in certain lights is mistaken for black in any case.
While there are multiple factors to consider, social media can play a critical role in increasing social quotient of the brand by making shopping a shared experience.
FORBES: When smart phones and smart friends go shopping together
His organization is so successful at building customer loyalty that he has created a learning company called Hospitality Quotient to share their best practices with corporations and government.
It's the latest rage among Japan's teens, a new fashion that combines cruise wear, Aloha casual, hippie counter-culture and, with an emphasis on pastels, the cute quotient girls crave.
If Emotional Intelligence continues to be a highly valued assessment tool, as it appears it is now, should companies start paying more attention to the stress quotient in the equation?
FORBES: Workplace Stress is Curveball Lobbed at Employee Emotional Intelligence
With this in mind, instead of exclusively focusing on your conventional intelligence quotient, you should make an investment in strengthening your EQ (Emotional Intelligence), MQ (Moral Intelligence), and BQ (Body Intelligence).
FORBES: Intelligence Is Overrated: What You Really Need To Succeed
On the systemising quotient (SQ), which asks you how interested you are in systems of different kinds (maps, gadgets, car engines, forecasts, structures), men as a group score higher than women.