But in China this is a national craze, and rabid fans treat top players like stars.
They were rabid in saying that Bernanke must no, under any circumstances, do QE3.
On trade, the congressional leadership is less rabid than many of the new arrivals.
ECONOMIST: Is economic populism on the rise in the Democratic Party?
Some even project a rabid antipathy for brands, or even suggest the end of Brands.
Gone are the 10 percent growth days fueled by easy money and rabid commodity demand.
These are assumptions that would make even the most rabid economic cheerleaders sit on their pompoms.
The researchers said that rabies was more likely after the bite of a stray or rabid dog.
One rabid Clans fan, a Finnish government official, organized a cruise to Stockholm for his 50 Clan friends.
Rabid wild animals can have unusually aggressive behavior and can transmit rabies to humans and to their pets.
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Rabid hockey fans, they grew beards in imitation of their countrymen who play in the National Hockey League.
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The average office party is fraught with more peril than having a rabid mongoose tossed into your cubicle.
How was the long-awaited casting kept secret from the show's incredibly rabid followers?
Glenn Beck turned his brand and rabid audience into The Blaze TV.
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Luckily, the rabid fan base is already testing out the new firmware, and most have found it to fix their heat issues.
Smaller markets tend to breed more loyal and rabid fanbases (especially with favorable history and frequent success on your side).
FORBES: Lesson From Steelers, Packers In Building An Avid Fan Base
That said, he sells rabid conservatism in a candy coating, both feeding the social conservatives and placating the fiscal conservatives.
While you have to be a pretty rabid pet-lover to commission such works, you don't necessarily have to be a philistine.
What do you get when you mix a firebrand political blogger, an Internet innovator and a few million rabid sports fans?
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Sports memorabilia collectors aren't exactly looking ahead with rabid enthusiasm to Barry Bonds' record 756th home run ball hitting the auction market.
Considering how rabid Twilight enthusiasts are, none too happy I would guess.
He developed rabid fans, outraged anyone would question his credentials or thesis.
How only rabid Apple fans will buy the iPad and Apple would only sell about 3 million iPads for the entire year.
But what it takes is a more reflective attitude towards those networks rather than the rabid pursuit of connectivity for its own sake.
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No doubt clinging to yesterday's customs helps explain why tennis' fan base--rabid as it is at the core--is limited, compared with other major sports.
This compares nicely with the Dow (down 8%), the Nasdaq (up 99%) and even the rabid weasel Nasdaq 100 (up 113%) over the same period.
Young fans, particularly in emerging markets, are rabid in their devotion.
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The irony was that McKeon didn't remember working with Harbaugh at all even though her boyfriend grew up in Indianapolis and is a rabid Colts fan.
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Does anyone really doubt that the Republicans would be just as rabid in attacking a Democratic secretary of state if they were in similar circumstances?
The coming storm flung foam off the whitecaps, a rabid water.