Rada Ramel Assad, born in Barranquilla, Colombia and Abouchanab Daichoum Dani who is the organizer of the group.
In the latest production, that part is played by Rada-trained Bryony Hannah, singled out for praise by the critics.
BBC: Keira Knightley 'wins spurs' with West End stage return
On Friday, dozens of armed tribesmen took to the streets of Rada'a protesting the drone strike that had taken place a day earlier.
CNN: John Brennan, Obama's drone warrior
He attended RADA, the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, as a teen-ager, and he wrote that first play of his in just a few days.
NPR: Playwright Pinter Wins Nobel for Literature
After graduating from RADA, she acted in TV, film and radio productions, but then left the UK and headed to New York where she began to write food articles as a way of supplementing her income.
BBC: Profile: Madhur Jaffrey
"It's appealing because it displays glamour and a luxurious lifestyle that are out of reach for the vast majority of people in the unstable post-communist economies, " Rada Elenkova, formerly project coordinator at the Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation, says.
BBC: Bulgaria's chalga pop-folk: A cultural rift