Would each individual person affect the RFID tag's radio signal in a unique way?
Would the sending of a radio signal to activate this system constitute a trespass to chattels?
The fences work by burying a boundary wire which transmits a radio signal to a collar.
Ships fitted with eLoran receivers will now be able to use the backup radio signal to reach port.
That would stop the radio signal needed to take money off your bankcard.
Sure enough, four days in, our routine 530am radio signal snare check generated hysteria to rival any alarm clock.
This new wireless remote system operates from a radio signal rather than infrared light, dramatically increasing functionality and range.
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Many shieldmakers claim to eliminate nearly all handset radiation a dubious assertion because that would effectively squelch the phone's radio signal.
"There have been many claims about home systems and products that use the same radio signal band as Wi-Fi, " Koss continued.
But when poachers carrying rifles or machetes traipse by a detector, it will send a radio signal to a treetop antenna.
What if these storms are so brutal they rarely subside long enough for a radio signal to find its way out?
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It works by stimulating hydrogen atoms to give off a radio signal.
Bluetooth uses a radio signal in the 2.4-gigahertz range to connect two or more devices for sharing data when they're close to each other.
Since all that dirt and heavy pipe provides lots of insulation, Nethercomm can beam a radio signal and not have to worry about interference.
If it crosses the goal line, then an encrypted radio signal is sent to the referee's wristwatch to indicate a goal has been scored.
However, GPS signals can fail or be fooled by a conflicting radio signal, said Professor David Last, an advisor to the to General Lighthouse Authority.
They could be used to make cheap radio-frequency identity tags in essence, printable bar-codes that transmit an identifying code in response to a pulsed radio signal.
This is because leaves, and even pine needles can soak up a radio signal and cause the overall system to degrade during the spring and summer.
Ambient radio waves have largely been ignored as a potential power source until recently, because the power of a broadcast radio signal rapidly decreases with distance.
"In our building in the Cybernetics department, we've got quite a number of doorways rigged up so that they pass a radio signal between the door frame, " he says.
By changing the frequency of a radio transmission many times a second, causing it to leap around in an apparently random fashion, a radio signal could be made almost impossible to intercept.
The insole does this by communicating with a "base station, " an intermediary device between the button in the shoe and the television set, which uses a radio signal to calculate and transmit the information.
This computer has no internal power supply, but when a specially designed reader sends out a radio signal, a tiny antenna draws power from the wave and uses it to wake the computer up.
Those who use the new Wi-Fi standard will notice the biggest benefit in crowded spaces, where a clean radio signal cuts through interference from other devices, even if their connection to their service provider falls short of 802.11ac's lofty speed limit.
Because of the time needed for a radio signal from Earth to reach the rover -- about 14 minutes at Mars' current position -- "We don't command the rover with a joystick or a steering wheel in real time, " Tompkins said.
Some of you might remember when Wi-Fi was first being built into notebook computers, my company, as well as many others, ran tests to determine range and speed (the weaker the radio signal the less data speed), and found big differences.
Each of the 20 transceivers or "nodes" can transmit and receive to the other 19, meaning there can be up to 380 measurements (20 times 19) of radio signal strength within a short period of time (the transceivers transmit one after the other).
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In China, lightRadio Metro Radio will be deployed in busy indoor and outdoor locations, such as shopping malls and stadiums where coverage can suffer either from the large number of consumers trying to access a network, or because the density of buildings impedes the radio signal.
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His reliable time sources include the national radio time signal operated by NPL, which provides the time pips on the radio, and internet time servers.
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When the chip is hit with a radio frequency signal, it emits a unique identifier number that functions like a long, unguessable password.
FORBES: Want An RFID Chip Implanted Into Your Hand? Here's What The DIY Surgery Looks Like (Video)