Tina Rothery of Residents Against Fylde Fracking (RAFF), said the process posed "huge risks to the environment".
The team behind the show includes Homeland's Howard Gordon and Gideon Raff, who will act as executive producers.
The team behind the drama includes Homeland's Howard Gordon and Gideon Raff, who will act as executive producers.
He was like the rest of us riff-raff, middle class kids from unglamorous hard working families who believed in the future.
"We have three years' cash in the bank, " says CEO John Raff.
Starpharma holds 33% equity in the U.S.-based privately--held Dendritic Nanotechnologies Inc. (DNT), which Raff, who is a molecular biologist, co-founded with chemist Donald Tomalia.
The canine superhero, voiced by comic actor Wally Cox, also battled villains including mad scientist Simon Bar Sinister, and a gangster wolf Riff Raff.
"We need someone with a very big distribution network, " Raff says.
The privileged few who have doormen in their buildings get to have someone to receive their packages and visitors, and keep the riff raff out of the building.
While these are illiquid pink sheet shares, Raff is optimistic.
Mad Decent Signee Riff Raff Has A Plan: Eccentric MC and Internet personality Riff Raff spoke with me about how 2013 will be the year he ascends to the top of the rap pack.
What seemed to matter was the claim that Mr Osborne didn't - or his aides didn't - seem to think he should have to suffer the indignity of sitting with the riff raff in standard class.
In it, Captain Kirk needs to acquire plague-fighting minerals from the planet Ardana, currently in the middle of a civil uprising against a super wealthy and socially elite class that live in a floating city, far above the riff raff.