Now the legal battle rages on between manufacturers of inkjet printers and ink discounters.
The political battle rages on both within Greece and in the European Union as a whole.
FORBES: Greece: PM Papandreou Loses Support As Eurozone Hopes To Avert Contagion
American Hicks is unpopular among Reds fans as a boardroom battle with co-owner George Gillett rages on.
The controversy rages on, but as of now, the David cleaning project is set to begin in September.
Given a sense of urgency by the murders at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the gun control debate rages on across the nation.
Thursday's announcement promises to change the image of battlefields around the world, as debate rages on whether women can fight like men.
The debate over whether Tesla cars really do brick rages on.
FORBES: Should Companies Be Able To Monitor Our Use Of Their Products For Our Own Good?
Much ink has been spilled over the 8.8% unemployment rate around the country, but here in Silicon Valley the talent war rages on.
FORBES: Winners And Losers In Silicon Valley's War For Talent
But as the fighting outside the city rages on, many here are reluctant to be seen to drop their guard, even for a second.
BBC: Besieged Misrata: Seaside picnics, laughter and rockets
Now some doctors seem ready to revolt against the resulting hair-trigger safety environment--even as the debate about Vioxx and drugs like it rages on.
Still, the race to squeeze out that last drop of the lemon and create room for much needed discretionary spending rages on like never before.
The Greek debt crisis rages on, fueling similar trouble in Ireland and Portugal, while concerns over the much larger economies of Spain and Italy are heating up.
With U.S. economic growth remaining lackluster, the debate rages on whether the Fed will embark upon another round of bond-buying in 2012, widely known as quantitative easing.
FORBES: Fed Watch 2012: What Does Ben Have Up His Sleeve Now?
Investors are searching out cheap stocks of European companies that pay large dividends, as they aim for reliable returns and safety as the region's debt crisis rages on.
As long as the unrest in Libya rages on and the possibility of contagion remains on the table, the global economy faces an uncertain, and even slightly negative outlook.
FORBES: Roubini: Risk Of Double Dip If Oil Hits $140, UK And Trichet Shouldn't Tighten Yet
Meanwhile, Zimbabwe's worst humanitarian and economic crisis since its independence from Great Britain in 1980 rages on, with a cholera epidemic that has claimed nearly 2, 000 lives since August.
"This is a moment in which we must seize the opportunity for peace as war rages on, " said Assistant U.S. Secretary of State Richard Holbrooke, who is mediating the talks.
As the flu season rages on, most of us try to practice good hygiene by washing our hands, avoiding close contact with others who are ill, and getting a flu shot.
The battle against 401(k) abuses, which began in earnest with multiple legal challenges in 2006, and heated up when the markets collapsed in 2008 halving retirement account balances, quietly rages on.
FORBES: Time For Workers To Demand The 401(k) Plans They Deserve: Here's A Model
But its central idea, that somehow catharsis leads to cure, lives on -- rages on -- in Oprah and Geraldo and Ricki Lake and the whole steaming psychic stew that is our confessional culture.
The battle for your countertop space rages on.
FORBES: Green Mountain Hopes To Beat Starbucks In The U.S. With One Simple Ingredient
As the debate rages on, the only thing that seems to unite New Yorkers is that the wound on New York's skyline must be healed with a dramatic building and that none of those produced so far comes up to scratch.
The World Series kicks-off tonight in San Francisco and millions will tune in to Fox to watch Cliff Lee face-off against Tim Lincucum (Cablevision subscribers will have to find something else to occupy their time as their battle with Fox rages on).
How much would you love a hotel that serves your martini on a silver tray while a full-scale riot rages outside?
But Captain Nathan Hale, who hanged as a spy on September 22, 1776, was a casualty to a controversy that still rages today.
FORBES: A Hale Of A Hero: Nathan Hale And The Fight For Liberty