He said Rowling's rags-to-riches success and the imaginative stories stirred a passion for artistic expression.
The rags-to-riches trial lawyer and onetime hedge fund adviser ran as the angry man.
Though Hershey's is sometimes described as a rags-to-riches story, he was never truly poor.
Consider the classic Horatio Alger rags-to-riches story: Redemption was found through financial gain.
Mr Sahara has a rags-to-riches story and is a household name in India.
On one level, the book follows the narrative trope that drives so many celebrity memoirs: the rags-to-riches story arc.
After all, Winfrey has long traded on a reputation that she has worked hard to reinforce as an open, rags-to-riches every-woman.
It is run by flamboyant businessman Subroto Roy Sahara who styles himself as a "worker's friend" and has a rags-to-riches story.
Her rags-to-riches-to-exile journey begins in the humility of her youth as a poor girl who gains fame as a beauty pageant winner.
The world's interest in Ireland is not confined to its rags-to-riches story.
In "The Thrill of the Chase, " he lays out his unusual rags-to-riches story while sharing memories of his favorite adventures and mischief-making.
He styles himself as a "worker's friend" and has a rags-to-riches story.
Yet the Daniels legacy is about more than a rags-to-riches story, his position as the pre-eminent watchmaker of his time and an ingenious inventor.
WSJ: Watch Making's Self-Taught Genius | Michael Clerizo on George Daniels
The film is a rags-to-riches tale of an improbable 18-year-old winner of the Hindi version of the game show Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
Filipinos adore him for his rags-to-riches career and his unpretentious charm.
The man who picked up the tab turned out to be working for Mr Riaz, a rags-to-riches businessman who runs a property empire called Bahria Town.
Interestingly, Knox's rags-to-riches story has helped him make inroads in the black community, while Nutter's longstanding criticism of Street has resulted in good numbers among white voters.
Hailed as one of China's most successful rags-to-riches entrepreneurs, Huang got started in business by selling home electronics in the nation's capital sourced from factories in Guangdong province.
Slumdog Millionaire, a rags-to-riches story set in the slums on Mumbai, is up for best movie, male and female breakthrough performances, best kiss and best song - for AR Rahman's Jai Ho.
The "rags-to-riches" catch-phrase notwithstanding, when you examine Alger's novellas, it's clear that the heroes like Ragged Dick and Tattered Tom were more concerned about social status and self-respect than about amassing great wealth.
Since then he has quickly earned celebrity status in Norway, where people are fascinated by the rags-to-riches story of a man who lived on the streets for many years and lived a hedonistic lifestyle.
The rags-to-riches story of Ren Zhengfei, the chief executive, is fleshed out: the son of rural schoolteachers, he left the army in 1983, founding the company with savings of 21, 000 yuan four years later.
In the latest attack on those involved in Mumbai's film industry , India's rags-to-riches music baron, 41-year-old Gulshan Kumar, was shot dead outside a temple, prompting the prime minister, Inder Gujral, to praise his contribution to the film-music business.
The 36-year-old is concluding the ultimate rags to riches career against '"he Executioner" Hopkins and then four-weight world champion Jones, two bonafide living legends who could no longer run from the Welshman.
For many years Charles Feeney, who went from rags to riches as co-founder of the Duty Free Shoppers chain, carried anonymous giving to extremes.
The "riches-to-rags" concept that came up in the brainstorming session in September sprang from a recent series of stories in the New York Times, which profiled the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.