In a year of average rainfall, its output should be around 180GWh of electricity.
The species that have persevered, scientists say, are adaptable to sporadic changes in rainfall.
Other possibilities proposed were the distribution of water filters, and making better use of the region's abundant rainfall.
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It is a steep granite island drowning in 320 inches of rainfall a year.
Householders are being urged to take flood precautions in Leicestershire after heavy rainfall over the weekend.
Rainfall totals of around 500 millimetres (20 inches) have been forecast by the Japanese Meteorological Agency.
Last June heavy flooding hit Aberystwyth and nearby villages with a month's rainfall in 24 hours.
In the Midlands the lack of rainfall has had a huge impact on rivers and farmers.
And this has a profound effect on the weather patterns and on the rainfall events.
More surprising: Honolulu, where recent rainfall has been far short of historic norms, and Portland, Ore.
Every computer model of a stratospheric haze shows some decrease in rainfall, though the details vary.
The rainfall during June-September will likely be 98% of the long-term average, Mr. Reddy told reporters.
Severe flooding has hit Devon and Cornwall as heavy rainfall sweeps across the area.
But some bits of Africa may deteriorate more, whereas others may benefit from greater rainfall.
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Heavier than usual rainfall since last spring has led to a number of landslip incidents.
After heavy rainfall the soil became saturated, leading to more of the cliff falling away.
According to Barker, the neighborhood had above-average rainfall over the winter and into spring.
These combine all kinds of data feeds, including information about the location of taxis and rainfall.
This year Guangdong province, home to 110m people, has had a 40% drop in rainfall.
This cover acts as a giant sponge, absorbing rainfall and reducing polluted storm-water runoff.
Typically rainfall seeps through the soil, absorbing carbon dioxide and reacting with decaying vegetation.
The flow in the Mekong comes mainly from rainfall and some snow melt, not melting ice.
But he claimed the country was facing an "almost unbelievable catastrophe" because of low rainfall.
Ten consecutive months of low rainfall in the region have led to water bans.
During winter, parts of England received less than 60% of the average seasonal rainfall.
Without changes in rainfall, the region could face water shortages in the future, the scientists say.
This year was supposed to be "warmer than usual with rainfall average or below average".
The current estimates are produced by analyzing a range of variables like rainfall, temperature and evaporation.
This may possibly be because of decreased rainfall, not increased temperatures, as Gore argues.