But no politician or bureaucrat seems prepared to raise doubts, if, indeed, any are harbored.
Rankings based on anonymous online votes, such as those on TripAdvisor, also raise doubts.
Such largesse sounds wonderful, but a dramatic cancellation of loans could raise doubts about the rural-credit culture.
As Obama edges toward a new approach to national security, his political opponents are quick to raise doubts.
But at some point throwing in money will raise doubts about the creditors.
But Mrs Merkel's remarks on Monday appeared to raise doubts about the 2014 deadline for Isaf to leave Afghanistan.
BBC: Afghanistan: Germany's Merkel in troop deadline warning
Wildly gyrating markets also raise doubts about the derivative instruments Olam uses to hedge the inventory it must carry.
But the close ties between Hun Sen and the directors of several large logging companies continues to raise doubts about his latest pledges.
"It would raise doubts about our credibility if we were simply to change the rules in the middle of the first programme, " she says.
As for Cain, his GOP brothers and sister trashed his trademark 9-9-9 tax plan well enough to raise doubts among Republican voters than it could well raise their taxes.
The result has been a negative message designed to raise doubts about whether Mr. Romney is trustworthy and stump speeches where the president takes on his opponent by name.
There is a wide consensus among doctors that passive smoking is bad for health, although a paper published in the British Medical Journal did raise doubts about the link.
The prospect of big declines in military spending has to raise doubts about whether all of the players currently operating in the military electronics space can survive over the long run.
FORBES: Wave Of Consolidation May Be Coming In Military Electronics
Exclude those patients, and prasugrel looks better, but that analysis was done after the fact, which could raise doubts with the FDA. Lilly is testing a lower dose in those patients going forward.
It will raise doubts about the system's ability to capitalise on its successes when it wants to innovate rather than just catch up, and to correct itself if it takes a wrong turn.
He's trying to raise your doubts about Barack Obama and so far, it's working.
The disappointing forecast seems likely to raise fresh doubts about the strength of IT spending demand.
By doing so, they raise more doubts and contribute to a public image that is bound to hurt them, if not on the prescription pad then in legislative enactments.
Some influential members of Congress believe that her false statements, adding to a poor career performance history, raise serious doubts about her trustworthiness in dealing with critical matters of state.
It is his plan for coca production that is likely to raise the most doubts in Washington.
Might that raise a few small doubts about how he will pull all those international aid efforts into line?
In 2008, The Heartland Institute, headquartered in Chicago, began organizing international conferences of scientists from across the globe who want to raise and discuss intellectually troubling questions and doubts regarding the theory that human activity is causing ultimately catastrophic global warming.
FORBES: Fakegate: The Obnoxious Fabrication of Global Warming
However, encouraging carbon trading when there are doubts about the overall emissions produced by the country will raise problems.