Charity Miles lets you raise money for the cause of your choice while you walk, run or bike.
Would you balk at funding a program that spends 23% of its budget to raise money?
My words were saying how exciting it was to raise money from a VC.
For Molyneux could raise money from any number of sources to fund game development.
FORBES: Links 23 Nov: Peter Molyneux Finds That Kickstarter Is A Place To Fund Games Development
So then what if you run not to raise money but to win money?
Another uncertainty is a challenged plan to raise money by selling new taxi permits, or medallions.
An early proposal to raise money through a levy on all bank deposits was quickly withdrawn.
The band OneRepublic has also started a fund to raise money for those affected.
The game can also introduce new in-game products and sell them, and raise money for charities.
As a result, they can raise money more cheaply than genuinely private financial institutions.
Our team has placed a big bet that crowdfunding will transform the way companies raise money.
That should force them to raise money, and thus to lend, on commercial terms.
In the circumstances many entrepreneurs would have gone public to raise money and lessen personal risk.
Hulu also explored an IPO last year to raise money to buy right to more content.
He could raise money from interested mall-walkers, then be guided through the product manufacturing process.
The law is designed to raise money for infrastructure projects throughout the state without raising taxes.
To raise money for the foundation, the Johnsons created the Kokua Festival in 2004.
Good Samaritans, looking to raise money to aid the migrants, would hold "Grapes of Wrath" parties.
This will allow him to raise money for those businesses independent of the bank.
"People always say, 'Oh, you're doing these health things to raise money, '" Bloomberg said.
But it's not just the candidates' ability to raise money or their profiles that's at stake.
When SurveyMonkey LLC Chief Executive Dave Goldberg wanted to raise money for his Palo Alto, Calif.
Once we knew we had the right idea, our first step was to raise money.
Jeremy Boon, 35, is taking up the challenge to raise money for a breast cancer charity.
Local resident Jakki Willby is hoping to raise money to make the piece a permanent fixture.
It is easy to raise money in India, but money is not available for every venture.
That means they must raise money from lenders and stock sales to keep the dividends flowing.
Wednesday's premiere was held to raise money for the Cinema and Television Benevolent Fund.
She was trying to raise money to pay off an insurance deductible following a car accident.
WSJ: Moveable Feast: This Cycling Tour Has Bikers on a Culinary Crusade
We know that children in many, many countries themselves got together to raise money.