Charity Miles lets you raise money for the cause of your choice while you walk, run or bike.
The band OneRepublic has also started a fund to raise money for those affected.
The game can also introduce new in-game products and sell them, and raise money for charities.
The law is designed to raise money for infrastructure projects throughout the state without raising taxes.
To raise money for the foundation, the Johnsons created the Kokua Festival in 2004.
This will allow him to raise money for those businesses independent of the bank.
When SurveyMonkey LLC Chief Executive Dave Goldberg wanted to raise money for his Palo Alto, Calif.
Jeremy Boon, 35, is taking up the challenge to raise money for a breast cancer charity.
Wednesday's premiere was held to raise money for the Cinema and Television Benevolent Fund.
Pc Rees, 35, will be accompanying Pc Rathband to raise money for his Blue Lamp Foundation.
BBC: Hertfordshire Pc to lead Raoul Moat officer in marathon
Zito organized Strikeouts for Troops to support and raise money for injured American troops.
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April's event will raise money for Alder Hey Children's Hospital and Sheffield's Children's Hospital.
Another thorny issue would be trying to raise money for common deposit-insurance and bank-resolution funds.
All the hats will be auctioned off to raise money for the Mayor's Fund.
Is he offering to campaign in their districts and to come out and raise money for them?
It was a lunchtime auction of Local Celebrities to raise money for LaffKidsOffCrack and their antidrug clowns.
So Witt thought long and hard about what she could do to raise money for Cheung's research.
This is a group that the campaign has asked members of the Cabinet to help raise money for.
Staff in South Yorkshire brought their teddies into work in March to raise money for the scanner appeal.
They commemorate the holiday, offer some pre-Thanksgiving dinner exercise and often raise money for a charity or non-profit.
To raise money for our work, I started a volunteer travel company that led hundreds of volunteers on trips to Cambodia.
But they also find the time to raise money for breast cancer research, help local students with their reading.
He came to Drexel and asked if we could raise money for him to make an offer for Gulf.
An appeal to raise money for a education and visitors' centre for an area of Oxfordshire wetlands has begun.
Gordon-Levitt is using his forum to raise money for victims of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami, as many are.
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The first Clough Taylor People's Run at Donington Park in Leicestershire on Sunday will raise money for four charities.
But, he did not rest on his laurels and worked hard to raise money for the school to grow.
It owns his archives and mementos and controls his endorsements, which it uses to raise money for social-justice projects.
Both candidates were leveraging the conflict to raise money for their respective campaigns.
Once in the Crescent City, he's to talk to unionized teachers and raise money for the Democratic National Committee.