The destruction of World Heritage sites in Mali in 2012, especially the mausoleums in Timbuktu, sparked a wave of indignation across the world, helping to raise awareness of the critical situation facing the Malian people.
Antony Slack, who was himself homeless, wants to raise awareness of the plight of young people on the streets.
"We want to raise universal awareness about people respecting the privacy of others and safeguarding their data, " said Michael Kaiser, NSCA's executive director.
Using an interdisciplinary approach, this World Heritage Kit has been developed to help raise awareness among young people about the importance of looking after our cultural and natural heritage.
He has helped raise awareness among people and Governments of the immense value of our environmental resources.
It says the government could do more to raise awareness of how people can reduce their cancer risk.
The police campaign aimed to raise awareness of domestic abuse among young people and show that violence can be emotional and financial as well as physical.
She also suggested clinical commissioning groups, which will get control of the bulk of the budget, should raise awareness about the options available to people when GP surgeries are closed.
For Pfizer, the agency quietly created a movement that encouraged people to join in to raise awareness of and fight cardiovascular disease.
Among other activities, it aims to raise awareness about human rights and promote respect among young people and students of the ASPnet schools in Cyprus.
Just as the shooting already has raised issues about the tenor of public debates, it could raise awareness of a lack of readily available cognitive and other rehabilitation for people with brain injuries, including shootings, accidents and stroke.
WSJ: Rep. Gabrielle Giffords's Brain at Risk Despite Quick Aid After Shooting
"I think the important point is that it's entertainment, it's not education, so it will raise awareness but I don't think it will necessarily help people's understanding or appreciation of the church, " he told the BBC.