He accepted that face transplants raised different issues to kidney or heart transplants, but said when these first took place there was resistance which was later overcome.
He and the band's drummer, Robb Reiner (no relation to Hollywood director Rob Reiner), met as junior-high-school students in Toronto, felt an immediate musical kinship and, in the face of raised hopes, dashed hopes, big-deal record-label indifference and ever lowered expectations, have been rocking out together ever since.
Neither spoke for one or two turns, but presently Barbara raised her eyes to his face, and asked abruptly: 'Why did you look at me so?
I've also raised money nationally for friends who face tough races.
Offenders know a slap on the wrist or a sternly-raised eyebrow is the worst they face, and when the economy is buzzing again, no one wants to throw sand in the gears.
The Ukraine-born, New York-raised fighter is being lined up to face the Welsh champion on the Joe Calzaghe v Mikkel Kessler undercard on 3 November.
At HP, the leak problem should have been raised with all the directors, at a face-to-face discussion around the boardroom table.
But the questions raised by Mr Kay's volte-face may only go away if an independent inquiry is set up to answer them.
The increase of international troops in Afghanistan has raised a concern that fighting will intensify and civilians will face greater risks of getting hurt, she said.
If there are indeed such links, then the foreign ownership of PTNNT is raised to an unacceptable 51%, and Newmont may face a legal action for violating its contract.
Those of us who worry about sudden inflation face an uphill battle, even though we have raised alarms, since there has been no surge in overall price levels.
FORBES: Maintaining America's Prosperity Requires A Single Fed Mandate
He has promised, though, that he will be ready to face Australia in Brisbane on 23 November, which has raised more questions than it has answered.
In February, Congress will face another deadline, when the debt ceiling needs to be raised.
FORBES: Eight Ways To Protect Your Finances From Washington's Craziness
But he agrees that many of the issues raised by Apple's Siri data handling are similar to those that other internet companies face.
Interesting points were raised by the schools, giving those present a clear picture of the challenges that these institutions face: in the light of the recent violence, the University of Nairobi expressed a need for courses in conflict reporting safety, whilst a Mozambican j-school noted the lack of desire on the part of journalists to report from rural areas.
At the Thursday hearing, Bekesha raised questions about whether the images were properly classified or if that action was taken only in the face of the FOIA request to release them.
Even if one takes at face value his decorated conduct in combat - and, according to the Washington Post, doubts raised lately by a number of fellow Swift Boat veterans about his claimed heroism and the medals he received for it cannot be dismissed - the candidate has assiduously downplayed his post-Vietnam conduct, including two decades in the U.S. Senate.