Here is CNN's pick of restaurants that are raising the bar in terms of airport dining.
"We have to keep raising the bar, " says Paula Fitzherbert, the public relations director at Claridge's.
By raising the bar for Picard, the judge has probably induced a better chance of a settlement.
This is about giving them the tools, and the platform, that assists them in raising the bar.
The county council said it was working to improve school standards with its Raising the Bar programme.
Once Wall Street starts raising the bar, reports like those from FDX and RAD may become the norm.
They are raising the bar in the area of reporting and measurement standards.
Last month, the NYC Dads Group heaped praise on them for "raising the bar" in how a father was portrayed.
Even if he does, the PKK will keep raising the bar because it wants to be a party to the solution.
Mr Kealey said raising the bar of academic achievement for entry level officers should be considered, "to improve the status of police".
Maybe it's a defective type of personality, but for people who like raising the bar, ultrarunning is a good way to do that.
The real news is that GE is raising the bar for aligning the financial interests of management with those of the long-term shareholders.
Raising the bar starts with creating a set of principles that can be used as a filter when considering which clients to take on.
Plus, emotionally, it can cause resentment, as people feel like the workaholic is raising the bar of how much work is acceptable, he adds.
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The Sarrazinites are raising the bar for judging integration a success.
Some colleges are raising the bar to qualify for both need- and merit-based scholarships, a trend that will likely continue next academic year, Mr. Draeger said.
But raising the bar on his accomplishments now actually lowers it for all of us, diminishes what he's actually accomplished and undermines the concept of excellence.
Another tactic they could deploy on the heels of the new rules around late fees: raising the bar on the monthly minimum payments due on credit-card balances.
The E6 and E101 further solidify Samsung's position as a global leader in display technology by raising the bar on the quality of writing capabilities for e-books.
ENGADGET: Samsung announces E6 and E10 e-book readers at CES
Yet at the end his approach to creative leadership required raising the bar remarkably high, inspiring others to do the impossible, and an almost unwavering ability to focus.
FORBES: The 3 Things That Steve Jobs Taught Us About Creative Leadership
Notebaert made three different offers for MCI, each one raising the bar higher above Verizon's initial bid, and worked hard to stir up a revolt among MCI shareholders.
The company today demonstrated a continued commitment to raising the bar in quality audio by expanding the line of digital audio products that offer this successful hybrid tube technology.
ENGADGET: Samsung, Flo Rida introduce massive Giga Sound MX-FS9000 speakers (update: hands-on video)
So today, I want to challenge all of you here, and I want to challenge Americans all across the country, to keep raising the bar, just keep raising the bar.
WHITEHOUSE: The First Lady and Dr. Biden Speak on the Joining Forces Anniversary | The White House
To better and more selectively prepare future educators is to put less emphasis on arguing federal vs. state control and to put more on simply raising the bar across the board.
The brains behind Hill Street Blues, NYPD Blue and L.A. Law will bring his latest legal drama, Raising the Bar, which stars Mark-Paul Gosselaar, Gloria Reuben and Kaczmarek, to the cable outlet this fall.
But the standard in medicine is usually to include the drop-outs, raising the bar for new drugs, and this was the analysis pre-specified in the SHARP protocola nd the one Merck presented.
The council is working with the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA), which has been appointed to lead the council's Raising The Bar commission on educational standards.
BBC: 'Suffolk Baccalaureate' proposed by education authority
While the quad-combo will drive adoption in mass market devices, the single solution on a card integrates the industry's first 5G WiFi combo chip with the BCM20793 NFC chip, raising the performance bar for high-end smartphones and tablets.
Even with these limits in place, the 2008 election is certain to set the fund-raising bar for elections to come.