Still, it's not surprising that it's been so quiet here, says political analyst John Ralston.
Nevada reporter Jon Ralston wrote on Sunday that it would be difficult for Obama to lose.
George Ralston Wyllie was born in Shettleston in Glasgow's east end on Hogmanay 1921.
Mr Ralston, however, had informed his superiors (who apparently hoped he could sort things out).
Then, of course, General Ralston could add the F-22 to his chart of potentially hostile foreign warplanes.
America's Federal Trade Commission took almost a year to approve the takeover of Ralston Purina in 2001.
Furthermore, the marketing of the seed was fragmented, with individual gins trying to negotiate with the likes of Palmolive, Wesson Oil, and Ralston-Purina.
Dr Gavin Ralston, head of Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) said units were being slowed down by people with non-emergency illnesses.
And Air Force General Joseph W Ralston, in charge of the northern zone, said he would prefer to halt flights altogether.
Bluejohn garnered national attention after climber Aron Ralston amputated his own arm to survive an accident that trapped him under a boulder.
"We've got to be ready to go, " Sabres coach Ron Ralston said.
The sole military inputs apparently came from the then-Chairman and Vice Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Generals John Shalikashvili and Joseph Ralston, respectively.
Despite an increase in emergency admissions throughout the year, Dr Ralston said the situation had been made worse by recent outbreaks of flu and norovirus.
This week the Bush administration appointed Joseph Ralston, a former supreme allied commander of NATO in Europe, as its special envoy to co-ordinate efforts to combat Kurdish terrorism.
By what authority does General Ralston speak for the Chairman?
Samantha Ralston, who lives nearby, said she had been lobbying for the park for the Corinium Via estate for the past two years and the delay was "complete nonsense".
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If there had been no Flinn headlines, Mr Longhouser would still be in his job and General Ralston would now be well on his way to a better one.
Anne Ralston of the Ohio Department of Public Safety.
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Ralston-Purina is another major customer for cottonseed meal.
Lawmakers are irritated by Ralston's apparent sleight-of-threat.
And so it is that General Joseph Ralston, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has been presenting lawmakers with charts showing the deployment of warplanes around the world and the threat they represent to American security.
What Ralston doesn't point out is that this ominous global collection of nearly 6, 000 advanced warplanes includes those of Britain, France, Canada--everyone except the U.S. Nor does he mention that many of the warplanes on his chart rolled off U.S. assembly lines.
The mayor was also hurt during the home stretch of the campaign when Ralston Purina, a giant food corporation, an nounced it was thinking of moving out of the city, and when the only public hospital in the region said it would close this summer because the city had failed to contribute its share of the budget.