The treatment was common until a randomized controlled trial proved it was actually harming women.
It is because the government-funded trial was a placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized controlled trial.
But there has been only one randomized controlled trial studying the effectiveness of taking foods out of so-called elimination diets, Chafen's study said.
But I think that before embarking on a large randomized controlled trial he first needs to demonstrate that such a trial would even be feasible.
In healthcare, our gold standard for good evidence is the randomized controlled trial, in which, for example, half the patients receive a new drug and half receive a placebo.
The Cambridge group will begin a randomized controlled trial next month with 104 children involved, similar to the peanut study done already, but with controls, said researcher Dr. Andrew Clark of Cambridge University Hospitals.
Because the Framingham Heart Study is not a randomized controlled trial, it's still not clear if vitamin D is the real reason for the link (the vitamin's levels could drop in unhealthy people for other reasons), or if taking a supplement would lower the risk.
But surgery sometimes goes mainstream without ever being evaluated in a randomized, controlled trial.
He currently is recruiting post-stroke patients for a randomized, controlled trial comparing error-type treatment to intensive treadmill training.
But a related Abbott drug, TriCor, failed to prove its benefits in a large randomized controlled clinical trial.
FORBES: Why Merck's Niacin Failure Will Scare Drug Researchers
More substantial and convincing support for such a recommendation to eat cherries as a way to reduce gout flares would ideally emerge from a randomized controlled clinical trial.
For one, the groups noted the analysis is a retrospective study, not a prospective, randomized controlled clinical trial, which many regard as a gold standard for ferreting out safety concerns.
FORBES: The Confusion Over A Pair Of Diabetes Drugs And Pancreatitis
The investigators are now conducting a randomized, controlled clinical trial of RAGE Control in the outpatient clinic at Boston Children's that adds a cooperative component.
ENGADGET: Researchers create video game that monitors heart rate to keep children's anger in check
In the accepted hierarchy of evidence generation, the results of a randomized, controlled clinical trial usually take precedence over other forms of evidence such as meta-analysis and observational studies.
FORBES: Glaxo Alleges Errors In Nissen's Critique Of FDA's Handling Of Avandia
The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-center trial enrolled 51 patients age 12 to 53 years, including 7 patients age 12 to 16 years, who were maintaining a regimen of maximally-tolerated lipid lowering medications.
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The Symplicity HTN-2 trial is an international, multi-center, prospective, randomized, controlled study of renal denervation in patients with treatment-resistant hypertension.
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The authors noted that there has never been a controlled clinical trial of parachutes, and facetiously suggested that one be conducted in which subjects were randomized to jump from a plane either with or without a device.